Seattle Responder - January 2025 Edition
- [登録者]Seattle Fire Department
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/02
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/02
- 変更日 : 2025/01/02
- 総閲覧数 : 41 人
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The Seattle Fire Department (SFD) hopes all community members have a happy new year and sends best wishes as we enter 2025.
SFD Holiday Card
Significant incidents
Elevator rescue in blind shaft
*Dec. 12: Elevator rescue in the 1300 block of 4th Ave.*
Firefighters responded to an elevator rescue in a high-rise apartment building after a power outage shut down the elevator's operation, trapping people inside. Crews rappelled approximately 200 feet from floor 21 to reach those who were stuck inside the shaft, which was in between floors with no door access. They were rescued and uninjured.
Fire at residence
*Dec. 29: Fire in residence in the 13000 block of 30th Ave. NE*
Crews responded to a basement fire in a multi-story home and were able to confirm all occupants had safely exited. During the incident, firefighters switched to a defensive fire attack, putting water on the fire from the exterior of the home. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
In the community
Update on new Fire Station 31
Fire station 31 site
Construction of the new permanent Fire Station 31 that serves the Northgate area is on track. A recent photo shows some of the construction that’s taking shape. Based on current activities, construction should be complete by the end of 2025 and firefighters moving into their new quarters in the first quarter of 2026.
We look forward to additional updates and scheduling a community celebration when the station is open in 2026.
Accepting applications for lateral firefighter/paramedics through Jan. 28
Lateral firefighter-paramedic hiring
We are currently accepting applications for lateral firefighter/paramedics who have at least 2.5 years of experience as a firefighter/paramedic with another department. Lateral firefighter/paramedics will earn a starting salary of $115,644 with step increases and overtime opportunities, work eight to nine 24-hour shifts per month, receive an excellent benefits package and a LEOFF Plan 2 lifetime retirement pension plan. Seattle firefighter/paramedics respond, treat and transport patients requiring Advanced Life Support. If you know someone who may be interested in this opportunity, direct them to seattlefirejobs.com [ http://www.seattlefirejobs.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. The application window closes on Jan. 28, 2025.
SFD expands Buprenorphine Pilot program to allow firefighter/EMT-B position to administer the medicine
Buprenorphine update group photo
Following authorization from the Washington State Department of Health, in late 2024 the SFD became the first in the nation to allow the position of firefighter/EMT-B to administer buprenorphine in the field. Buprenorphine is a medication used to treat opioid use disorder and reduce the risk of future overdoses and can be given to patients who have experienced a non-fatal opioid overdose or to those actively experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
The department's Buprenorphine Pilot program first began in spring of 2024 with paramedics allowed to administer buprenorphine. With the latest expansion allowing firefighter/EMTs to administer, the SFD now has 49 personnel trained to provide this life-saving medication. Read more on Fire Line [ https://fireline.seattle.gov/2024/12/10/city-leaders-give-progress-update-on-seattle-fire-departments-innovative-buprenorphine-pilot-program/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Thirteen members graduate from the SFD Recruit School
Recruit Class 121 graduation photo
Thirteen members of Recruit Class 121 graduated from SFD's rigorous recruit school in December and have entered the Operations Division as probationary firefighter/EMTs. In their probationary year, they will further develop their skills and receive mentoring from more tenured members. Once this phase is complete, these members will become full-fledged firefighter/EMTs and serve this City for many years to come.
Keeping you safe
Lithium-ion battery safety
Lithium ion battery safety
Lithium-ion batteries power many portable electronic devices, including mobile phones, laptop computers, electric scooters and electric bicycles. With many partaking in recent gift giving for the holidays, now is the time to refocus energy on reviewing safety tips for these types of batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are small and powerful but when used incorrectly, they can overheat, catch fire or explode. Learn how to use these battery-powered devices safely on Fire Line [ https://fireline.seattle.gov/2022/12/16/lithium-ion-battery-safety-tips/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
*Seattle Fire Department*
301 2nd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-386-1400*
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