Mayor Bruce Harrell Launches the Seattle Climate Innovati on Hub to Boost Green Economy and Downtown Revitalization
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/15
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/15
- 変更日 : 2025/01/15
- 総閲覧数 : 52 人
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Press Release
For Immediate Release
*Contact Information*
Karissa Braxton, Office of the Mayor
Kristin Anderson, Seattle Office of Economic Development
Mayor Bruce Harrell Launches the Seattle Climate Innovation Hub to Boost Green Economy and Downtown Revitalization
*SEATTLE* -Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced the launch of the Seattle Climate Innovation Hub (SCIH), the first downtown space dedicated to investing in and designing technology to combat climate change. Developed through a partnership between the City of Seattle’s Office of Economic Development (OED), the University of Washington’s CoMotion Labs startup incubator, global climate community 9Zero, and VertueLab — a nonprofit funder and accelerator — this collaborative hub will serve as a nexus for innovators and early-stage entrepreneurs focused on tackling the climate crisis and expanding the region’s green technology sector while supporting downtown Seattle revitalization.
“Seattle’s infrastructure, skilled workforce in aerospace and technology, progressive climate policies, and strategic location make it the perfect place for climate tech and clean energy companies to grow. Our new Seattle Climate Innovation Hub is a signal and call to businesses and entrepreneurs around the world that if you’re in the business of combating climate change and developing clean energy technologies, we want you here in Seattle, "*said Mayor Bruce Harrell. *“Downtown runs on people and establishing this hub in our city core is intentional. The opportunities and synergy from the Climate Innovation Hub will not only help fuel our downtown revitalization efforts, but also reinforces that downtown Seattle is a center of creativity innovation and is open for business.”
Climate tech is a cluster of technologies or services that decarbonize the global economy and build resilience into infrastructure. It includes clean energy, battery storage, hydrogen, carbon capture, agricultural tech. The SCIHwill foster the development and deployment of technologies and services designed to decarbonize the key industry sectors in the economy, from grid management solutions to advancements in electric vehicle charging and sustainable transportation fuels, to innovation in agriculture and construction and exploring ways to make everyday energy consumption more efficient.
Through a $200k seed investment from OED and $85k from Washington Department of Commerce, the SCIH will offer a business and technology incubator, a gathering space for funders and investors, and co-working space all co-located in University of Washington-owned real estate in downtown Seattle.
Climate tech community builder 9Zero offers community, connections, and events to unite investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, and policymakers addressing the climate crisis. VertueLab’s work with climate tech entrepreneurs in the Pacific Northwest bridges public and private interests in climate adaptation and mitigation through funding and technical support. CoMotion Labs will begin recruiting its first Climate Tech cohort in the coming months, with the program set to launch this spring. This eight-month program will provide startups with tailored mentorship, access to a network of climate tech professionals, and the tools needed to accelerate growth and create meaningful impact in addressing climate challenges. Those interested in learning more or staying updated can sign up here [ https://comotion.uw.edu/startups-incubation/comotion-labs/seattle-climate-innovation-hub?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
*What people are saying*
*François Baney, UW Vice Provost for Innovation and CoMotion Director*
“The University of Washington is a driver of innovation that helps address the most pressing challenges we face as a society. This partnership will build on CoMotion Labs’ strengths in startup creation, incubation, and development to connect burgeoning clean-tech companies with industry experts and strategic resources that will enable their success.”
*Duncan Logan, CEO of 9Zero*
“This partnership creates a physical density of professionals working in climate, which will become a competitive advantage for all involved."
*Aina Abiodun, Executive Director of VertueLab*
“Access to catalytic capital for climate innovations is a critical vector in delivering a just and equitable climate transition to our region.”
*The Seattle Office of Economic Development’s* [ https://www.seattle.gov/economic-development?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] purpose is to shape the future of Seattle’s economy and make it more equitable, prosperous, and competitive. We do this work by leading projects and making investments that open up access to economic opportunities, reduce the racial wealth gap, and encourage innovation and growth.
*CoMotion Labs* [ https://comotion.uw.edu/startups-incubation/comotion-labs/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] provides a multi-industry incubation environment for early-stage startups. While preference is given to UW spinoffs, CoMotion Labs accepts startups from outside the UW community as well. From critical infrastructure to learning, mentoring, and networking, CoMotion Labs nurtures and enables success, and helps them grow without taking equity.
*9Zero* [ https://9zero.com/seattle?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] is a global climate community, blending physical work/event space and a digital platform to unite investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, and policymakers addressing the climate crisis. With a growing number of hubs across the USA, 9Zero offers multi-city access, role-specific programming, and high-touch concierge support to help members achieve their goals. Members gain access to a dynamic directory for networking, exclusive events, and personalized connections that drive serendipity and collaboration.
*VertueLab* [ https://www.vertuelab.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] is a regional non-profit economic development engine dedicated to unleashing innovation and entrepreneurship that will solve environmental challenges and catalyze shared economic prosperity and a just transition for all. By providing access to critical support and funding, VertueLab is a bridge between climate tech innovators and those who fuel their work with funding and investment.
Seattle Climate Innovation Hub Lounge
Seattle Climate Innovation Hub Office
Seattle Climate Innovation Hub Reception Area
seattle dot gov
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