Kokanee News - Fall Update, 2024
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/01
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/01
- 変更日 : 2024/11/01
- 総閲覧数 : 40 人
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Kokanee News | Fall 2024
Celebrating at the kokanee fry release event
On Octover 17th, Kokanee Work Group members and partners gathered to release the first of 12,000 young kokanee salmon into Lake Sammamish, a record number. This celebration marked the latest milestone for an ongoing joint effort to help ensure the survival of a native species important to the Region's habitat and history.
*WRIA 8 SRC's Final, Draft Legislative Priorities; Draft Letter to the Governor - Opportunity for KWG to Show Support*
Consider endorsing legislative priorities in the WRIA 8 watershed that support salmon recovery.
Picture of document for WRIA 8 SRC legislative priorities
Kokanee Work Group (KWG) members have increasingly expressed an interest to organize their efforts to advocate for kokanee recovery. At the KWG's last meeting on October 23rd, members were supportive of endorsing the legislative priorities of WRIA 8's Salmon Recovery Council [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/EYkEXpxQdIlGpBHClY1yKhgBwoKLv-MnapW2-iCNK4lROA ] and writing a companion letter to the Governor [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/ESPfKqA8mdtLsNpcJ0AD7Y4B1APvQcxbJtb2jfoFpv7YmA ], pending an opportunity for review and feedback. In subsequent years, KWG members will discuss legislative priorities earlier in the year, starting with their 2025 summer meeting. Of note, the WRIA 8 legislative priorities include support for an operating budget request from WDFW for predatory fish control in the Lake Washington basin. WDFW's budget request [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/EVWcMaQKYEtNspLOjDX9uWABbYq4fx2PEQwjqit7g8u4aQ ] recognizes letters received from the KWG [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/ES0gt1Z6LWJGiMSYBWbJKq0BaYQHKDnplSblDwEtpdnJLQ ] and WRIA 8 SRC [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/EXTVXBd5uHJLsT-kLR3hk6ABhhiitPpt-j84eUtgQSH1pQ ] aligned with their request. Nice job, KWG!
Please also review a response letter from WDFW to the WRIA 8 SRC [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/ESF070XOwo1Fi_GTv7c7I2YBSIFOJ78s1LuzegrslbMadg ] about interest to continue predatory fish control work in the watershed and develop a clearly defined plan for predator suppression with thorough review through the SEPA process, sharing a timeline for plan development. This is an exciting development.
*"Members: "Please read the WRIA 8 legislative priorities [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/EYkEXpxQdIlGpBHClY1yKhgBwoKLv-MnapW2-iCNK4lROA ] and draft letter from the KWG [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/EXec5pLZkk5DvSyYmEi-fCUB2_xRUQoCoYK7SIXtiaitiA ] to the Governor prepared on your behalf and send feedback to aagness@kingcounty.gov by Nov 8.*
Kokanee Work Group Fall Meeting
October 23, 2024
A meeting summary of the Kokanee Work Group's fall meeting is available for review* here [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/EW2Mri-Umi5EmgT-aL-Ir6ABC_0bhZG_Quw2yeiu5nEP8A ]. *Questions? Please follow up with Alison Agness, King County's Kokanee Salmon Recovery Manager (aagness@kingcounty.gov). Meeting highlights included a fish management update from Jim Bower of King County reporting on the hatchery supplementation and captive broodstock programs, a presentation from Bailey Keeler and Alison Agness on new research and next steps for updating the ecological survey, and a discussion of legislative priorities. A big thank you to Peter Holte and the City of Redmond for support hosting a productive meeting.
Events and News
Celebrating a Successful Kokanee Fry Release Event, October 17th
Snoqualmie Indian Tribal members releasing kokanee fry from a tribal canoe
Kokanee Work Group partners including the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe gathered to celebrate the release of a record-high number of young fish into Lake Sammamish. Learn more about this event and the progress of kokanee recovery from *King County's news release [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/about-king-county/about-dnrp/newsroom/news-releases/10-18-kokanee-release ] *of the event. Other coverage includes an article in Hoodline - Seattle [ https://hoodline.com/2024/10/lake-sammamish-welcomes-record-12-000-young-kokanee-salmon-in-conservation-boost/ ] and video clips [ https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBR-9njOLpa/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ] and posts [ https://www.instagram.com/p/DBZkWrih_Mr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ] from King County DNRP and social media posts by partners organizations, too.
News from the Field! Early Reports of Spawning Kokanee
spawning kokanee
By the end of October, over 30 spawning kokanee were observed in Lewis Creek, with over 200 spawning kokanee observed in Laughing Jacobs Creek. This is a very promising, early pulse of fish at the beginning of the spawning season. Remember to check out Salmon SEEson [ https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/779f2239705a42fba71f198d958da479/?data_id=dataSource_2-Salmon_viewing_sites_8034%3A7 ] for viewing opportunities. Please let Alison know if you would like to go see kokanee spawning as a group and I can set up a field trip or two to get us out there! Let's go, kokanee!
Calling All Lakeshore Residents: Salmon Friendly Lakes Seeks Your Feedback Through an Online Survey
Opportunity to take a survey
Please help Mid-Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group and King Conservation District develop the Salmon Friendly Lakes program. As a shoreline homeowner, your input can help to improve resource programs, ensuring they respond to your needs and interests. Link to the *online survey* [ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe27ldnZ_UqMph8a0jtVF1WqTcKZaDoYA4pVznfh44e3hMq1Q/viewform ] to share your feedback. Learn more about the Salmon Friendly Lakes pilot program here [ https://www.salmonfriendlylakes.org/ ].
Many Upcoming Stewardship Events around Lake Sammamish
The Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership (UWRP) hosts a calendar of events for learning, connecting with community and supporting habitat restoration. Link to fun and rewarding activities you can join through the *UWRP calendar of upcoming events [ https://www.lakesammamishrefuge.org/upcoming-events ]*.
restoration opportunities [ https://www.lakesammamishrefuge.org/upcoming-events ]
Upcoming Kokanee Workgroup Meetings - 2025
In 2025, the Kokanee Work Group (KWG) will continue to meet on a quarterly basis from 2-4pm on the third Wednesday of January (22nd), April (23rd), July (23rd) and October (22nd). KWG meetings will be held in-person with hybrid capability. Locations and draft agendas will be shared via Gov Delivery one month in advance of each meeting. A meeting reminder will be shared via Gov Delivery one week in advance of the meeting. If you would like to host a meeting or provide an agenda item, please follow up with Alison Agness (aagness@kingcounty.gov).
Funding Opportunities
Please note, funding opportunities that could support kokanee recovery. Please reach out to the points of contact identified in the below links to learn more.
*Consider applying for Conservation Futures funding to add parks and open spaces to your community*
CFT grants are used to buy or conserve sites that will be used as parks and open spaces. Types of open spaces that we can fund include urban greenspaces, natural areas, sites for habitat and stream restoration, forests, community gardens, farms, and trails. These open spaces may be used for passive recreation. We may be able to partner on *green stormwater acquisitions [ https://your.kingcounty.gov/dnrp/library/water-and-land/stewardship/conservation-futures/stormwater-cft-infosheet.pdf ]* or create parks near *affordable housing [ https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/Eby4DKSUr9VFtMX4Gkle-wUBJ19Iz-btSFVoqzCuTQ43Rw?e=TLoxxZ ]*. CFT funding is provided to governmental agencies and eligible nature conservancy or historic preservation nonprofits. Community groups or individuals can partner on projects with local agencies and eligible nonprofits.
The application round for 2026 funding will open on November 4, 2024. Applications are due by February 10, 2025. Please contact *Ingrid Lundin <Ingrid.Lundin@kingcounty.gov>*, Conservation Futures Program Manager with questions about this funding opportunity.
*Stay tuned for WRIA 8's next grant opening, December 2024 - Cooperative Watershed Management grant program*
The King County Flood Control District (FCD) [ http://kingcountyfloodcontrol.org/default.aspx?ID=1 ] Cooperative Watershed Management (CWM) Grant Program supports priority salmon recovery activities within King County watersheds. Proposals submitted to WRIA 8 for CWM funding are evaluated and ranked by WRIA 8, and funding recommendations approved by the WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council are forwarded to the FCD Board of Supervisors for consideration and final approval.
Successful proposals for CWM grants are administered by King County. All proposals must be represented on the WRIA 8 Four-Year Work Plan [ https://www.govlink.org/watersheds/8/funding/2024-funding-page-material/2024WRIA8FourYrWorkPlan_FINAL.pdf ]* and have a clear link to one or more of WRIA 8's priority recovery strategies [ https://www.govlink.org/watersheds/8/reports/pdf/1709-8207m-appendix-e.pdf ]. Eligible applicants are cities, towns, special purpose districts, public schools, King County, tribes, federal agencies, state agencies, and non-profit organizations.
*"Note: If you are interested in applying for funding for a project not represented on the WRIA 8 Four-Year Work Plan, please contact WRIA 8 staff. Find more information about this program here [ https://www.govlink.org/watersheds/8/funding/default.aspx#cwm ]."
*Find Funding with a New Tool*
The Puget Sound Partnership developed a *funding tool [ https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/6f12941d99644b0e93deaed86f1674f0/page/Home/?views=Active-Announcements ] *that collects information about national, state, and regional funding opportunities in one central location. This tool makes it easier to find and apply for funding and helps to align funding opportunities with funding needs. Check it out today.
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