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- [Registrante]King County
- [Idioma]日本語
- [Área]King County, WA
- Fecha registrada : 2024/09/12
- Fecha de Publicación : 2024/09/12
- Fecha de cambio : 2024/09/12
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- Telemedicina utilizando videollamadas en...
Muchos japoneses residentes en el Estado de Washington están expuestos a diversas tensiones, como las barreras lingüísticas y culturales, la separación de la familia y los amigos japoneses, las difere...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- < Servicio en japonés para su tranquilid...
Nuestro experimentado equipo médico y el personal proporcionan los mejores servicios técnicos ・, y los japoneses residentes en EE.UU. pueden recibir un tratamiento seguro y cómodo en un ambiente relaj...
+1 (425) 974-8161Bellevue Premier Dental
- Una organización de bienestar animal sin...
Fundada en 1897, esta organización protectora de animales sin ánimo de lucro rescata a más de 6.000 animales al año. Los voluntarios y las donaciones son siempre bienvenidos. ・ Bienestar animal ・ A...
+1 (425) 641-0080Seattle Humane Society
+1 (206) 737-8871Sang Injury Law Firm
- Es una organización sin ánimo de lucro q...
FLAT ・ FLAT es una organización sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Nueva York y que opera en todo EE.UU., poniendo en contacto a profesionales sanitarios y pacientes de habla japonesa y apoyando a la comu...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- Para todas sus necesidades en materia de...
Gestionamos todo tipo de seguros para particulares y empresas. Los seguros son muy importantes para estar preparado ante cualquier eventualidad. En Daiwa Seguros, entendemos sus necesidades y podemos ...
+1 (310) 540-8595Daiwa Insurance Marketing, Inc.
- Si se trata de la cantidad de bienes que...
Confíe ・ Nichidori, con su probada trayectoria, es conveniente para "servicios de mudanzas al extranjero de EE.UU. a Japón". Para consultas sobre mudanzas en solitario o en familia, póngase en contac...
+1 (206) 892-8103NIPPON EXPRESS U.S.A., INC. / Sea Tac / Seattle Branch
- Únase a nosotros para preservar y compar...
Trabajamos para ser un
+1 (206) 568-7114Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington (JCCCW)
- Empresa de contabilidad estadounidense. ...
Apoyo fiscal entre Japón y Estados Unidos ! Procedimientos rápidos y cuidados posteriores ! Japonés ・ Inglés en ambos sentidos.
+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services / Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
- Venga a visitarnos.
Está en juego la salud de Puget Sound y de nuestro único océano mundial, y la misión del Acuario de Seattle nunca ha sido más importante. responsabilidad de proteger y restaurar nuestro medio marino, ...
(206) 386-4300Seattle Aquarium
- Le ofrecemos el placer de leer a través ...
Organización de voluntarios sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Seattle. Producimos y prestamos gratuitamente CD de lectura a japoneses-americanos con deficiencias visuales y a japoneses-americanos residen...
Voice Library in Japanese
- El nuevo trimestre comenzó el 4 de febre...
SAPIX USA se complace en anunciar la incorporación de una nueva escuela en San José. Con la apertura de la escuela de San José, los estudiantes pueden ahora tomar clases no sólo en Nueva York, Nueva ...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- Tranquilidad para sus planes de futuro ・...
Cuando compre una casa, póngase primero en contacto con su compañía de préstamos. La mayoría de la gente se pone primero en contacto con un agente inmobiliario al comprar una casa. Entonces le pregunt...
+1 (206) 679-3371Groves Capital, Inc. (Mitsuko Miller)
- Varios eventos para promover la cultura ...
University of Washington (UW) JSA ( JSA ) es una organización de estudiantes japoneses en la Universidad de Washington, fundada a principios de los 90 como un club en el campus. Organizamos eventos pa...
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* Metro School Route 981
* Metro School Route 994
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* Metro School Route 986
* Metro School Route 987
* Metro School Route 988
* RapidRide A Line
* Metro - General Alerts
* Metro - Transit News Releases
* Metro - Trolley Motorization
* Transit Advisory Commission
* Spokane Street Bridge Alerts
* ORCA Business Passport
* Metro - Metro Matters
* DPH - Food Safety
* DPH - King County Board of Health
* DPH - Tobacco Prevention Program
* DPH - Violence and Injury Prevention Program
* Metro School Route 893
* RapidRide B Line
* General Information
* DPH - Community Health Indicators
* Metro School Route 992
* RapidRide C Line
* RapidRide D Line
* DNRP - King County Market Managers
* Unincorporated Area News
* DNRP - Vashon Maury Island
* DNRP - Eastrail
* DNRP - Native Plant Salvage Program
* DNRP - King County Parks Newsletter
* DNRP - The Evergreen
* DNRP - Snoqualmie Forum Newsletter
* DNRP - SciFYI Newsletter
* DNRP - King County Weeds
* DNRP - Volunteer Opportunities
* NWPSC - Newsletter
* DNRP - Large Wood in King County Rivers
* DNRP - Willowmoor Project
* DNRP - King County Flood Hazard Management Plan
* DNRP - Marymoor Park
* DNRP - King County Regional Trails
* Metro - Metro Manager's Newsletter
* Superior Court - Ex Parte & Probate Practitioners
* Superior Court - E-Filing Information
* Superior Court - Clerk's Alerts
* Metro - Rideshare & Commuter Van Newsletter
* DPD Newsletter
* Metro - Accessibility
* EGP - Volunteering
* EGP - Employee Giving Program News - Nonprofits
* EGP - Nonprofit Application Information - Nonprofits
* EGP - Speaking and Tabling Opportunities
* EGP - Employee Giving Program News - Employees
* EGP - Nonprofit Application Information - Employees
* DNRP - Cedar River
* Council - Sarah Perry
* WTD - The Bubbler Wastewater Treatment Division Updates
* DNRP - Loop Biosolids For Your Soil
* Superior Court - General Order Notifications
* King County Equity and Social Justice Newsletter
* DNRP - GreenTools Newsletter
* Metro - Online Regional Trip Planner
* Exec - Executive Summary Newsletter
* DNRP - Youth and Amateur Sports Grant Newsletter
* RapidRide E Line
* DNRP - Sustainable Cities Roundtable
* DNRP - East Lake Sammamish Trail
* DNRP - Parks Volunteer Program
* DNRP - Flood District Funding
* Council - Reagan Dunn
* Council - Rod Dembowski
* Protecting Our Waters
* Roads - Alerts - Southwest
* Roads - Alerts - Vashon
* Roads - Alerts - All Unincorporated King County
* Roads - Alerts - North
* Roads - Alerts - Northeast
* Roads - Alerts - South
* Roads - Alerts - Southeast
* RapidRide F Line
* Council – Dave Upthegrove
* Council – Pete von Reichbauer
* King County Focus Forward
* Exec - Safe Energy Leadership Alliance
* KCIT - Information Security Newsletter
* KCIT - Information Security Alerts
* DNRP - Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership
* Public Defense Advisory Board
* DNRP - Landslide Hazard Investigation
* KCIT - PSERN Newsletter
* Exec - Best Starts for Kids
* Metro - Link Connections
* DNRP - Lake Washington/Cedar River/Sammamish River Watershed Salmon Recovery News
* DNRP - Tolt River Corridor Action Plan
* Industrial Waste Pretreatment Newsletter self-managed
* What's up with OBS and ORCA?
* Metro - Long-Range Transit Plan
* Weight Watchers
* Metro - Service Guidelines Task Force
* Metro School Route 895
* DNRP - Miller-Walker Basin Stewardship
* Metro - Quarterly Performance Highlights
* Council - ERC RAC
* DNRP - Lake to Sound Trail
* WTD - Water Quality Assessment Update
* DNRP - Green River Levee Work
* WTD - Fremont Siphon Project
* DNRP - Cougar/Squak Corridor
* DNRP - Taylor Mountain
* DNRP - Class Act
* DNRP - Green to Cedar Rivers Trail
* Haz Waste-Free King County
* Superior Court - LFO Payment Reminder
* DHR - Vets 4 HIRE Fellowship
* KCAO - King County Auditor's Reports
* DNRP - Local Food Initiative
* DNRP - Bear Creek Basin
* DNRP - Lower White River Projects
* DNRP - Stormwater Outreach
* WTD - WaterWorks Grant
* DPH - Disease Outbreaks in King County
* DHR - Jobs at King County
* DNRP - Farm King County News
* DNRP - King County Recycling and Composting Tips
* WTD - Enatai Sewer Upgrade
* WTD - Lake Hills Sewer Upgrade
* WTD - Mercer Island Sewer Upgrade
* Metro - Late Night Bus Service
* DNRP - Noticias del Condado de King
* DNRP - Riverbend Levee Setback Project
* King County Climate Change
* DNRP - King County Freshwater Beach Alerts
* DNRP - King County Freshwater Weekly Beach Status Summary
* Exec - Press Releases
* DNRP - SWD King County Solid Waste Division News
* DNRP - King County Land Conservation
* WTD - CSO Control Program
* DNRP - Downstream News
* WTD - West Point Treatment Plant Newsletter
* Park-and-Ride Eastgate
* Park-and-Ride Redmond
* Council - Hearing Examiner
* Park-and-Ride Issaquah Highlands
* Park-and-Ride Northgate
* Park-and-Ride South Kirkland
* Park-and-Ride South Renton
* Metro Permit Parking
* Magnolia CSO Control updates
* WTD - Sunset Heathfield Force Main and upgrade project
* WTD - Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station
* SWD - Cedar Hills Regional Landfill News
* DNRP - King County Streams Monitor
* Link Connections: SR-520
* New ORCA Choice Account
* Baring Bridge
* Porter Reach Restoration Project Updates
* DNRP - Green River Trail
* Tolt Bridge
* DNRP - Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Updates
* WTD – Eastgate Interceptor Rehab Project
* King County Comprehensive Plan
* DNRP - 428th Ave SE Bridge - N Fork Snoqualmie River
* Northgate Transit Oriented Development
* Environmental education
* Council - Claudia Balducci - Full List
* Bridge Weight Restrictions
* WTD - Coal Creek
* Eastlake Layover Facility
* Metro Fares
* RapidRide H Line
* OLEO (Office of Law Enforcement Oversight)
* Medical-Dental newsletter
* DNRP - Steve Cox Memorial Park
* Kent-Auburn Conveyance – work in Auburn
* Kent-Auburn Conveyance Project – work in Algona
* Kent-Auburn Conveyance Project – work in Pacific
* DNRP - Cougar Mountain
* Property Tax Reminders
* Records Management - Newsletter
* Council - Upthegrove - Grants List
* DNRP - Foothills Trail
* DNRP - Fall City Bulletin
* DNRP - Poverty Bay
* North Eastside Mobility Plan
* Maplewood Landslide and Flood Risk Reduction Feasibility Study
* King County Nurses
* DNRP - Sammamish River Bank Repairs
* DNRP - Kokanee News
* Skyway-West Hill Subarea Plan
* DNRP – Sammamish River Trail
* Transit GO Ticket - mobile ticketing
* DNRP - Maury Island Aquatic Reserve Armoring Removal
* DNRP- South County Recycling and Transfer Station
* WTD - Interbay Sewer and Odor Control Upgrade Project
* Employee Event Notifications - Downtown
* DPH - Regional Gun Violence
* DNRP - Rural Forest Commission
* DNRP - King County Solid Waste Disposal Rates
* DNRP - Beaver Ecology and Management
* DNRP - Fairwood Stormwater Projects
* WTD - WateReuse Pacific NW
* WTD - Education and Outreach Partners
* DNRP - Black River Pump Station Project
* Metro Bus Base Expansion
* King County Water Taxi - West Seattle (973)
* King County Water Taxi - Vashon (975)
* DPH - Health Care for the Homeless Network
* DNRP - WTD Clean Water Plan
* Emergency Snow Network
* WTD - Emergency Response Notifications
* DNRP - Haffner-Barfuse Project
* Commute Trip Reduction
* WTD - 63rd Ave Pump Station and Alki Wet Weather Treatment Facility
* DPH - National HIV Behavioral Surveillance
* DNRP - Jan Road Neighborhood Improvements
* DNRP - Fish, Farm and Flood News
* DNRP - Beaver Lake News
* DNRP - SWD Cedar Hills Regional Landfill 2020 Site Development Plan
* North Highline Subarea Plan
* Permits - Development Regulations
* DNRP - Small Habitat Restoration Project
* Renton-Kent-Auburn Mobility Project
* King County International-Boeing Field - Plane Talk
* ORCA Business Choice
* DPH - Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) updates
* DNRP - SWD Northeast Recycling and Transfer Station Project
* Council - Girmay Zahilay
* Cedar River Council
* DPH - Overdose Prevention and Response
* Businesses in unincorporated King County
* Local Business Help
* Access Paratransit Advisory Committee (APAC)
* DNRP - Glendale Forest
* Snoqualmie Valley/NE King County Subarea Plan
* DNRP - Circle River Ranch
* Superior Court Clerk's Office - System Replacement Updates
* DNRP – Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed Salmon Recovery News
* KCTV - General Distribution List
* 2021 King County Districting Committee
* Metro - East Link Connections
* DNRP - Gunter Levee Project
* DNRP - Herzman to Camp Freeman Project
* DNRP - West Point Sedimentation Tanks Seismic Upgrade Project
* DNRP - Flood Reduction Grant Program
* DPH - COVID Impacts to Social and Economic Health
* DNRP - WQBE Toolkit
* DNRP - Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center
* WTD – Lake Hills Sewer Relining in Bellevue
* WTD - Thornton Creek Basin Sewer Upgrade
* WTD – South Treatment Plant Newsletter
* DNRP - Tabor-Crowall and Brodell Revetment Repair
* Access information & updates
* KCIA Community Engagement
* DNRP - King County Parks Grants
* Plumbing and Gas Piping Newsletter
* WTD - West Duwamish CSO Control Project
* DNRP - Fort Dent Levee Repair Project
* DPH - Poultry Retailer Permits
* DNRP - South Fork Skykomish Flood Study
* DNRP - Mason Thorsen Ells Levee Rehabilitation Project
* DNRP - Dutchman Road Revetment Repair
* WTD - North-central Mercer residential streets
* WTD - North Mercer Pump Station
* WTD - North Mercer Way/Mercer Park and Ride
* WTD - I-90 trail
* WTD - 90th PL SE
* WTD - Northeast Mercer residential streets
* WTD - Enatai Beach Park
* WTD - Mercer Slough
* Metro - Lynnwood Link Connections
* DNRP - White Center Ponds Redesign Project
* Con Confianza
* DNRP - Lower Frew Levee Setback
* DNRP - Rutledge Johnson Floodplain Reconnection Project
* DES - Harborview Bond Program
* DNRP - Momb Revetment Repair Project
* DPH - Pet Program
* DNRP - McSorley Creek Shoreline Project
* King County – Energize! Heat pump program updates
* DNRP - Tolt River Road Northeast Elevation at San Souci
* Inquest Public Advisories
* WTD – Lakeland Hills Pump Station Replacement
* DNRP - Boulevard Lane Park
* Old Cascade Highway/Skykomish area
* DNRP - WLRD consultants and contractors
* DNRP - WTD Brightwater
* Latest News from the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office
* Metro - Metro Weekend Update
* DNRP - Youth Conservation Corps News
* DNRP - King County Green Jobs Updates
* DNRP - Issaquah Creek Flooding News
* DNRP - Regional Debris Management Planning Newsletter
* DNRP - Solid Waste Advisory Committee Newsletter
* DNRP/WLRD Vashon-Maury Island Groundwater Protection Committee
* DPH - PH Partnerships
* DNRP - Sammamish River CIS
* DNRP - Lakeland North Park
* DNRP - Re+ Updates SWD
* DPH - KCMEO Decedent List
* DPH - OSS code updates
* White Center Sidewalk Repairs
* DNRP - Lake Geneva Park E-news
* WTD - Elliott West Wet Weather Station Upgrade
* Youth Mobility Program
* CSA-Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River
* CSA-Southeast King County
* DNRP - ADA Transition Plan
* PAA-White Center
* CSA-Bear Creek/Sammamish
* CSA-Four Creeks/Tiger Mountain
* CSA-Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County
* CSA-Vashon/Maury Island
* CSA-West King County
* PAA-East Federal Way
* PAA-Fairwood
* PAA-Skyway
* PAA-East Renton
* WTD - Sammamish Plateau Diversion Project
* WTD -M Street Trunk Rehabilitation Project
* WTD - Eastside Interceptor Section 8 Rehabilitation Project
* DNRP: Algona Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DNRP Solid Waste: Bow Lake Recycling and Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DNRP Solid Waste: Cedar Falls Drop Box Near Neighbor News
* DNRP - Solid Waste: Enumclaw Recycling and Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DNRP - Solid Waste: Factoria Recycling and Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DNRP - Solid Waste: Houghton Recycling and Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DNRP - Solid Waste: Renton Recycling and Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DNRP - Solid Waste: Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DNRP - Solid Waste: Skykomish Drop Box Near Neighbor Survey
* DNRP - Solid Waste: Vashon Recycling and Transfer Station Near Neighbor News
* DPH - Mobile Medical Van Monthly Schedule
* DPH - All Pet Businesses
* DPH - Food Insecurity Screening Community of Practice
* DPH - Health Care for the Homeless Network – Health Advisories
* DPH - Health Care for the Homeless Network – Jobs Bulletin
* Green River Road and 94th Place S Cleaning and No Parking Project
* WTD – South Park
* WTD - Mouth of the Duwamish CSO program/project
* Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Subarea Plan
* Comprehensive Plan 2024
* Council - Teresa Mosqueda
* Council - Jorge Baron
* DPH - King County TB Mailing List
* Metro - South Link Connections
* WTD - Black Diamond Trunk Upgrade
* WTD - Carnation Plant Newsletter
* WTD – Vashon Island Treatment Plant Newsletter
* WTD - Duwamish River Valley Groundwater Study
* DNRP - Re+ Grant Updates SWD
* DPH – Medic One/EMS Levy Planning
* DPH - Child Care Health Program
* DES - KCIA Project Updates
* KCIA Environmental Initiatives
* KCIA Airport Roundtable Updates
* DPH - Criteria Based Dispatch Updates
* WTD - Shared Vision for Clean Water
* DNRP forest management news
* RapidRide K Line
* Future of Paratransit
* RapidRide G Line
* North Highline Urban Design Standards
* DNRP - Cemetery Pond Wetland Protection and Restoration Project
* DNRP - Skyway Parks
* RapidRide R Line
* DNRP - Pump Station Revetment
* Heathfield sewer spill response
*You subscribed to topics that require approval:*
* PAO - DV Unit Law Enforcement Newsletter
* DPH - +Caucus
* DPH - HIV Planning Council - Interested Parties
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