City Attorney
- [登録者]City of Bellevue
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Bellevue, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/12/03
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/03
- 変更日 : 2024/12/03
- 総閲覧数 : 36 人
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Located in the heart of the Puget Sound region on the eastern shore of Lake Washington, between Seattle and the Cascade Mountains, Bellevue is the economic and cultural hub in east King County. It is frequently named one of the 100 best places to live by Money magazine. Home to about 155,000 residents, it is the fifth most populous city in Washington, covering an area of about 31 square miles. Bellevue is culturally diverse with 61 percent of its population identifying as people of color. About 43 percent of the population are foreign-born with over 90 languages spoken in Bellevue schools. Asians comprise just under 42 percent of the population, the eighth highest percentage in the nation for cities with 100,000 in population or more, and the highest percentage of large cities outside of California and Hawaii. Bellevue is the second-largest employment center in King County with about 150,000 jobs. With direct connections to Seattle and other regional centers via interstate and state highways, Bellevue is a highly desirable location for businesses. Light rail service connects Bellevue to the Microsoft campus in Redmond and in 2025, will connect Bellevue with Seattle, Lynnwood, and SeaTac airport. The city has a rich mix of small and medium sized businesses as well as some of the country’s best-known companies – Amazon, T-Mobile (HQ), Salesforce, Symetra, TikTok, Microsoft, Meta, and PACCAR (HQ). Bellevue’s school district is continually ranked among the nation’s best academically with excellent athletic programs as well. Bellevue College, offering two- and four-year degrees, is the largest institution in the state’s community and technical college system.
Bellevue is often described as a “City in a Park” due to its park system and access to recreation activities in nearby Cascade Mountains, freshwater lakes, and Puget Sound. City venues include community and beach parks, trails, and botanical gardens. Just minutes from downtown is Mercer Slough Nature Park; the largest freshwater wetland on Lake Washington with over 320 acres of wildlife habitat, agriculture, wetland ecosystems, trails, and an education center. Whether visiting one of the community farms, enjoying a round of golf, swimming at the Bellevue Aquatic Center, catching a performance at the youth theatre or a movie in the park, there is always something to see and do in Bellevue. Popular annual events include the Arts Fest, Family July 4th celebration, and Garden d’Lights, a brilliant winter wonderland display at Bellevue Botanical Gardens during the holiday season.
Successful local government operations require strong, collaborative political leadership, clear policy direction, a relentless focus on execution and results, a commitment to transparent and ethical government, and a strategy for representing and engaging every segment of the community. Bellevue operates under a Council/Manager form of government. The City Council is comprised of seven members, elected at large, serving staggered four-year terms. The Council selects a Mayor and Deputy Mayor from among their members. The Council sets the general policies of the City, which the City Manager and City Staff implement.
The City provides a full range of services, including police and fire protection, the construction and maintenance of streets and other infrastructure, solid waste and water services, recreational activities, and cultural events. The $2.2 billion 2023-2024 budget funds essential services while also making targeted investments to address Bellevue’s unprecedented growth. Bellevue is in a strong financial position as indicated by AAA ratings assigned to city bonds.
In 2014, the City Council adopted the vision, “Bellevue welcomes the world. Our diversity is our strength. We embrace the future while respecting our past.” The mission of the organization is to “Provide exceptional customer service, uphold the public interest, and advance the community vision.” The community vision is articulated in the city’s Comprehensive Plan, which just completed a 10-year update. The work of the city is carried out in accordance with the organization’s core values:
* Exceptional Public Service
* Stewardship
* Commitment to Employees
* Integrity
* Innovation
* Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The City is committed to fostering a high-performance culture and has an ongoing organizational improvement effort called “One City.” One City is a framework that empowers managers to leverage their own experience, expertise, and creativity to foster a culture of excellence, enhance collaboration and inclusivity, align our work with the city’s strategic framework, and cultivate continuous growth, development, and innovation.
Bellevue conducts annual surveys of residents and employees and biennial surveys of businesses. The City has enjoyed consistently high ratings even during the economic downturn – proof of the commitment of hard-working municipal employees to deliver exceptional customer service even with limited resources. Highlights of the 2022 resident survey indicated that 91% of Bellevue residents believe that their quality of life exceeds or greatly exceeds their expectations. Nearly 86% said the quality of City services either greatly exceeds or exceeds their expectations.
The mission of the City Attorney's Office is to protect lives and property and to preserve and enhance the quality of life of the public by delivering effective and high-quality advice, litigation, and prosecution that further the City's policies and programs.
* Provide high-quality, cost-effective legal advice and services to the City Council, boards and commissions and City departments.
* Protect the interests of the City and its residents by defending the City in lawsuits seeking damages and legal proceedings challenging City actions, and by initiating legal proceedings on behalf of the City when necessary to protect the City's interests and assets.
* Seek justice and enhance public safety through effective enforcement of laws.
*Civil Division*
The Civil Division consists of two sections - Advice and Litigation.
* The Advice section drafts legislation, negotiates City contracts, and provides legal advice to City officials and departments.
* Civil Attorneys provide high quality legal advice to the City Council, City departments, and boards and commissions. They negotiate contracts in a variety of areas including intellectual property, labor, real estate and development, land use, public works, and environmental law.
* They also attend council meetings, and in conjunction with other City departments, our Civil Attorneys draft ordinances that Council considers for passage as City law. Our Civil Attorneys conduct legal research for civil issues and ensure consistency with state and federal law.
* The Litigation section represents the City in civil lawsuits for property damage, personal injury and employment matters, etc. and provides legal counsel to City agencies.
*Prosecution Division*
The Prosecution Division prosecutes misdemeanors and traffic infractions occurring within the City and assists victims of crime.
* Prosecutors and legal assistants comprise the Criminal division of the City Attorney’s Office. In conjunction with the Bellevue Police and Probation department, they help keep Bellevue safe. They are committed to protecting and enhancing the quality of life of Bellevue residents by holding people accountable for criminal behavior, protecting victims, and enforcing laws.
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