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Kenmore Business News: September 2024

Helpful business news and information

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business registration update [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/business/business-registration-licensing ]
* Over 1,900 businesses are licensed to do business in Kenmore, of which 1,309 are Kenmore businesses. Any business, including non-profits and home-based businesses, operating in, or engaging in business within the Kenmore city limits is required to register for a city business license, endorsed by the Department of Revenue.

* Over 60% of registered Kenmore businesses are home-based and approximately 30% are assumed to be brick and mortar. This data and more can be found in a Business Registration Update [ https://vmm0dj30.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.kenmorewa.gov%2Fhome%2Fshowpublisheddocument%2F3345%2F638612326532970000/1/01010191e1dede43-af4b197a-a126-4a56-b881-b23258a739e6-000000/hAgmAy1zcD8RgSC8r_0Mt4f-H2Y=392 ] presented to the Kenmore Business Alliance this month.

* To register for a Kenmore business license, go to the Department of Revenue’s Business Licensing (DOR [ https://vmm0dj30.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fdor.wa.gov%2F/1/01010191e1dede43-af4b197a-a126-4a56-b881-b23258a739e6-000000/Kk9td0qibP_1Su-Nq3f3bdQrU-U=392 ]) website and complete an application form. Your business may already be licensed, which will appear as a Kenmore city endorsement on your state business license. For assistance, call the DOR at 360-705-6741.

For more information about the Kenmore Business Registration Program [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/business/business-registration-licensing ], visit Kenmore Business Registration Information or call 425-398-8900

Once you have a City of Kenmore business endorsement, you can submit a request for a listing for Kenmore's new business directory - FindKenmore.org [ https://www.findkenmore.org ] Submit your listing today to be seen by a wide variety of viewers.

*Submit your listing here!* [ https://www.findkenmore.org/business-login/ ]


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Free Photography for Kenmore Small Businesses [ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044EAFA828AAFF2-51374228-city ]

The City of Kenmore is offering free photography to Kenmore small businesses thanks to an economic development grant provided by Port of Seattle. This service is for registered Kenmore businesses only (this includes home based businesses).

Photography sessions will be available on Tuesday, October 1 and Wednesday, October 9. Sign up for a time slot today [ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044EAFA828AAFF2-51374228-city ]! *Limited options available*

*Sign up here!* [ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044EAFA828AAFF2-51374228-city ]


Oktoberfest [ https://www.findkenmore.org/oktoberfest/ ]
Oktoberfest Coming to Kenmore! [ https://www.findkenmore.org/oktoberfest/ ]

Oktoberfest is coming to Kenmore September 19 - 22 and will host a variety of activities and all ages fun around downtown Kenmore and at Saint Edward State Park. Read all about it. [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/News/News/399/301 ]

*Learn More* [ https://www.findkenmore.org/ ]


findKenmore [ https://www.findkenmore.org/ ]

Upcoming Meetings

* *Kenmore City Council Meetings [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/city-council
*City Council meetings are typically held at 7 p.m. the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays of each month on-site at Kenmore City Hall and streamed virtually (when available) through Zoom and YouTube livestream [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5M2Jyz38UIea_Q-RKXE0og ]. City Council meetings are open to the public and public comments are encouraged. 

* *Kenmore Business Alliance Meetings [ https://bothellkenmorechamber.org/our-chamber/committees/kenmore-business-alliance/ ]*
Professionals and business owners who do business in Kenmore are invited to get involved with the Kenmore Business Alliance (KBA) [ https://bothellkenmorechamber.org/our-chamber/committees/kenmore-business-alliance/ ]. The KBA is great opportunity to network and grow your own business, and it's free (no membership required). Meetings are held monthly on the first Thursday from 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. at Kenmore City Hall. 

Meetings and Events Calendar

* **September 14 | ***StreamFest 2024 1pm [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2518/102 ]*
* *September 16 | City Council Regular Meeting 7pm [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/257466/ ]*
* *September 17 | Planning Commission Meeting 7pm [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/257526/ ]*
* *September 19 - 22 | Oktoberfest Event [ https://www.findkenmore.org/oktoberfest ]*
* *September 21 | Oktoberfest Fly Away 5K 8am [ https://runsignup.com/Race/WA/Kenmore/FlyAway5K ]*
* *September 23 | City Council Regular meeting 7pm [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2473/102 ]*
* *September 24 | **Residential Heat Pump Seminar 6:30pm [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2514/102 ]*
* *September 28 | Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Work Party 11am [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2502/102 ]*
* *September 30 | City Council Special Meeting 7pm [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2466/102 ]*

**Visit the City calendar to see more events and meetings here [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/calendar ].**


*"Want to share Kenmore business news?"
*Please forward this to a friend! New followers can sign up to receive news updates on a variety of Kenmore topics here [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/i-want-to/stay-informed ]. 


"Si gusta communicarse con la ciudad de Kenmore o revisar un documento en otro idioma, ""envíe" su solicitud con su información de "contacto" "a ""cityhall@kenmorewa.gov" <cityhall@kenmorewa.gov>" o llame al 425-398-8900."  

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  • 登録日 : 2024/09/12
  • 掲載日 : 2024/09/12
  • 変更日 : 2024/09/12
  • 総閲覧数 : 77 人
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