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Kenmore Air Turns 80 / History at a Bus Stop / Carnation's Music Scene

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Kenmore Air [ https://vimeo.com/1047193881 ]

Kenmore Air.  It's a Family Affair! [ https://vimeo.com/1047193881 ]

Ever wonder how* Kenmore Air [ https://kenmoreair.com/history/ ]* got started?  Meet the local family who launched the regional airline almost 80 years ago.  






Douglass Truth Library [ https://vimeo.com/1053147921 ]

The Douglass-Truth Library in the Central District.  [ https://vimeo.com/1053147921 ]

It has the largest collection of African American Literature in the Region.  Now learn it's history just by sitting at a Metro Bus stop. 


Douglass-Truth Branch | The Seattle Public Library [ https://www.spl.org/hours-and-locations/douglass-truth-branch ]



McEvoy House [ https://vimeo.com/1047194079 ]

Preserving the McEvoy House. [ https://vimeo.com/1047194079

Love old houses?  Check out the McEvoy House in Skykomish. Its thoughtful rehabilitation will make you smile.  




Carnation [ https://vimeo.com/1049804114 ]

Explore Beautiful Carnation [ https://vimeo.com/1049804114 ].

Where do the Tolt and Snoqualmie rivers meet? *Carnation* [ https://www.carnationwa.gov/ ] - where you’ll find beautiful farms, intriguing history and a surprising music scene!





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  • 登録日 : 2025/02/11
  • 掲載日 : 2025/02/11
  • 変更日 : 2025/02/11
  • 総閲覧数 : 29 人
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