SDOT unveils the first projects funded by the historic $1.55 Billion Transportation Levy
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/31
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/31
- 変更日 : 2025/01/31
- 総閲覧数 : 29 人
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SDOT unveils the first projects funded by the historic $1.55 Billion Transportation Levy
Locally funded projects maintain and modernize Seattle’s transportation network.
Today, we unveiled the list of projects [ https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/SDOT/About/Funding/Levy/2025_SDOT_Transportation_Levy%20Delivery_Plan.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] set to launch in 2025, locally funded through the 2024 Seattle Transportation Levy.
This 2025 Levy Delivery Plan [ https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/SDOT/About/Funding/Levy/2025_SDOT_Transportation_Levy%20Delivery_Plan.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], the first of 8 annual Levy Delivery Plans, will set the framework for improvements across the city, with an emphasis on safety, infrastructure, and community-driven projects. The list will be discussed at the February 18 Seattle City Council Transportation Committee meeting.
“Thanks to the support of Seattle voters and the work of a broad coalition of experts, advocates, and community members, SDOT is ready to get to work creating a safer, better connected, and more reliable transportation system,” said *Mayor Bruce Harrell*. “The investments through the levy and projects in this plan mean real improvements for our residents from enhancing safety to strengthening critical infrastructure and the pedestrian experience.”
This levy was approved by voters in November 2024 and represents the largest investment in transportation in the City of Seattle to date. Thanks to this levy, we will invest $1.55 billion into projects including building sidewalks, paving streets, repairing bridges, and improving transit connections.
Following the conclusion of each year of levy spending, SDOT will also provide updates on which projects were completed in the given year, and cumulative progress towards commitments to voters outlined in legislation. [ https://seattle.legistar.com/View.ashx?GUID=8BB4CAF5-C877-4120-95AB-971171D01321&ID=13104961&M=F&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
2025 priorities include:
*"Expanded Vision Zero Work: "*Start construction on safety projects on N 130th St and S Henderson St; construct safety improvements citywide on high-injury network corridors and intersections; advance Aurora Avenue N planning in partnership with Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and King County Metro (KCM); and expand implementation of Leading Pedestrian Intervals and safer crossings.
*"New Sidewalks: "*Hold community walks to select new sidewalk projects for the first four years of the levy, in support of the goal to build 250 blocks of new sidewalks and sidewalk alternatives in the first four years of the levy, and begin to build new sidewalks.
*"Bridges and Structures: "*Issue Request for Proposals and begin design of mechanical and electrical repair packages for Fremont, University and Ballard bridges, programming of crew-delivered bridge repairs, and initiation of Project Readiness bridge studies.
*"Maintenance and Modernization: "*Start design on major corridor maintenance and modernization projects, with early focus on corridors with secured grant funding such as Roosevelt Way NE, Pinehurst Way NE, and E Marginal Way.
*"Downtown Activation: "*Continue Downtown Activation and People Streets and Public Spaces investments on 3rd Avenue, Fortson Square, Occidental Promenade, and other key locations in advance of FIFA and other major events, in alignment with other organizations and agencies.
*"New Levy Programs: "*Launch new programs including the Neighborhood-Initiated Safety Partnership, Bridge Preventative Maintenance, Bike Lane Maintenance, People Streets and Public Spaces, Climate and Electrification, and the Good Governance and Equitable Implementation Initiative programs.
We are committed to delivering levy projects as outlined in the 2025 Levy Delivery Plan. The plan identifies many projects which the department plans to build, design and plan in 2025.
We will advance these projects through a project development and engagement process, including incorporating new information and addressing unforeseen risks, and will adjust the delivery plan as needed to account for changes. We will work with the Levy Oversight Committee to discuss and publish future changes.
Projects identified for funding in the 2024 Transportation Levy were guided by the framework provided by the 20‑year Seattle Transportation Plan, a data-driven prioritization process, Seattle’s Racial and Social Equity Index and Transportation Equity Framework, and community input. We will use this same guidance to continually identify additional Transportation Levy projects for its duration.
*What People are Saying: *
“We are ready to deliver on our promise to Seattle voters who overwhelmingly supported the 2024 Transportation Levy. We are hitting the ground running to fulfill our commitments to the public including doubling the pace of sidewalk construction, increasing our investment in transportation safety, maintaining and modernizing our roads and bridges, and much more.” – *SDOT Director Greg Spotts*
“I want to thank Seattle voters for approving the 2024 Transportation Levy. The Mayor’s Office and my colleagues on the Council worked hard to ensure that the transportation projects included in the levy would meet Seattle’s needs now and in the future. I appreciate the Seattle Department of Transportation’s work to create this work plan as part of the good governance approach to making our streets safer, building out our sidewalk network, giving our residents more reliable options to move around, and improving our transportation infrastructure. I look forward to reviewing the plan with SDOT and my Council colleagues.” – *Seattle City Council Transportation Chair Rob Saka*
“I’m overjoyed to see a focus on sidewalks in my neighborhood, as nothing seems to get people more engaged around here than the possibility of sidewalks, except maybe free bagels or ice cream. Now that I have a young kid of my own walking and biking all over the neighborhood, I’m even more connected to the urgent need and I’m looking forward to these essential investments in our future.” – *Phillip, Pinehurst neighbor*
“Our Northeast Seattle neighborhood, like many others, consists of a varied population – from young professionals walking their dogs, families with strollers and kids on bikes, to people who have lived in the neighborhood for 50+ years – having sidewalks and designated walkways allow us all to live safely in community. As a parent of 2 elementary-school aged children, safe walkways are very important to our family so we can walk to school, friend’s homes, and local businesses.” –* Heather, Northeast Seattle neighbor*
Read more on the SDOT Blog. [ https://sdotblog.seattle.gov/2025/01/31/sdot-unveils-the-first-projects-funded-by-the-historic-1-55-billion-transportation-levy-levy-dollars-at-work/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
*Thank you making this work possible through the 2024 Seattle Transportation Levy.*
"On November 5, 2024 Seattle voters approved the Seattle Transportation Levy. [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/about-us/funding/seattle-transportation-levy?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] The eight-year $1.55 billion Transportation Levy will provide funding to maintain and modernize the city’s transportation infrastructure including building sidewalks, paving streets, repairing bridges, and improving transit connections."
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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