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RapidRide J Line Construction News: March 14, 2025

Learn more about upcoming work.

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RapidRide J Line banner

The RapidRide J Line project will bring significant improvements to the University District, Eastlake, South Lake Union, and Belltown. These enhancements will make it easier to commute, attend classes at the University of Washington, access medical care, or visit local businesses by creating a more efficient and convenient travel experience across these key areas of the city.  

Our focus is on modernizing and maintaining reliable transit connections for Seattle’s growing communities. Upgrades will include improvements to roads, sidewalks, curb ramps, lighting, drainage, and traffic signals. Additionally, we will install protected bike lanes and replace the water main on Eastlake Ave E. These enhancements are essential for supporting local businesses, improving access to housing, and fostering vibrant, connected communities. 

RapidRide J Line

Here’s what is included in this email update: 

* University District Water Shutoffs
* Water Main Work Starting in Eastlake
* Eastlake Ave E Water Shutoffs
* Tramonti Condos and Ruby Condos Water Shutoffs
* Southbound Harvard Ave E Lane Closure
* Mosaic Tile Removal
* Nightwork at 700 Fairview Ave N
* Online Drop-In Sessions     

University District Water Shutoffs
The properties highlighted in red will experience the water shutoff on Friday, March 21.

"The properties highlighted in red will experience the water shutoff on Friday, March 21. " 

Residents and business owners will have a new fully- operational water main by the end of next week on NE 43rd St, between Roosevelt Way NE and 12th Ave NE! The final step is to connect the service, requiring Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to temporarily turn off the water supply to several nearby properties on Friday, March 21. The water shutoff will begin around 9 AM, and we expect it to wrap up by 4 PM, meaning water may be off for up to 8 hours. We've included a map above to show which properties will be affected in red. After finishing the water main work, we plan to repave NE 43rd St with concrete and upgrade the sidewalks. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we make these improvements!

Please visit SPU's webpage [ https://www.seattle.gov/utilities/neighborhood-projects/water-outages/planning-for-outages?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for tips on preparing for a water outage. Our project website also has answers to frequently asked questions [ https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=govdelivery.com&h=4c3b7f9638784a05ad8e11c7bedfbdf8&i=NjY3MGI3MWI0MmUyN2U1M2FhNzA3MDcy&p=m&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVaTrXkKkmdFBTzkawQJ20VzlzuXjrCLAgAu7J6iAnZq7NdHUcH0UZdcUqOAt7lpnzkHqXe_78giPtkvzaagU2DkwRf_mfKRUY9pBAo6qAf-OSEu9jifx4Set1l1ndFdLk8&t=Tlo4eHpjajZXQTlkUVpzQlJodUZsZ2p6MWJlTWJ4TDBjczEzYkwweWxCcz0%3D&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saW5rcy0xLmdvdmRlbGl2ZXJ5LmNvbS9DTDAvaHR0cHM6JTJGJTJGd3d3LnNlYXR0bGUuZ292JTJGZG9jdW1lbnRzJTJGRGVwYXJ0bWVudHMlMkZTRE9UJTJGVHJhbnNpdFByb2dyYW0lMkZSYXBpZFJpZGUlMkZSb29zZXZlbHQlMkZXYXRlciUyNTIwTWFpbiUyNTIwRkFRcy5wZGYlM0Z1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJTI2dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1nb3ZkZWxpdmVyeS8xLzAxMDAwMTk1MjlkNzIwMjYtZmUyYThmZDItNDE2Yi00N2MxLWE0NDUtNjRiNjFkMGY0MmYxLTAwMDAwMC9oSUFIMDlzcVBxa2YxVlI5STFvdzVwbHhwc0RmOU1IdFlSYjAwUU5XSUhjPTM5Mw%3D%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] about water shutoffs. Check out SPU's Water Outages map [ https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=seattle.gov&h=4e5a8941316e4a7fbb2a0f3d0c4e28eb&i=NjY3MGI3MWI0MmUyN2U1M2FhNzA3MDcy&p=m&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVbAqMqHOJ0K3lcFtfqEAmY8_veG2G6FQuTqod_p0JMHFQ&t=U3ZHb3dvb2xjUllZT1hMcnpXbUoxVE81RHlPOGdBbUQyMW1pQ0lsNUh3ND0%3D&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VhdHRsZS5nb3YvdXRpbGl0aWVzL25laWdoYm9yaG9vZC1wcm9qZWN0cy93YXRlci1vdXRhZ2Vz&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for more information on affected properties.

Water Main Work Starting in Eastlake
Water main trench and pipes along NE 43rd St

"Water main trench and pipes along NE 43rd St."

As our crews complete the water main for the University District and finish the stormwater line construction, we’ll soon be heading to the northern part of Eastlake Ave E, between Fuhrman Ave E and E Allison St. Our goal is to upgrade your water main from the 100-year-old system to a new, more earthquake-resistant service.  

We will complete the most impactful work prior to 10 PM. There will be vehicles onsite throughout this process, so you can expect some noise as we complete this work.

There will also be several temporary water shutoffs as we test valves and switch between services, but we’ll do our best to keep interruptions to a minimum.  

Eastlake Ave E Water Shutoffs
The properties highlighted in red will experience the water shutoff on Sunday, March 16.

"The properties highlighted in red will experience a short-term water shutoff on Sunday, March 16, and a longer shutoff on March 23."

Water main work along Eastlake Ave E will require two temporary water service disruptions in the coming weeks. The first water outage will take place on the evening of Sunday, March 16. SPU crews will be working on the water main between Fuhrman Ave E and E Allison St, so we’ll need to turn off the water for nearby buildings starting at 11 PM and expect to have the water back up by 4 AM, March 17. We’ve highlighted the affected areas in red on the map above. This shutoff will allow SPU crews to test the water main valves and ensure that we can continue with work.

The second scheduled water outage will be on Sunday, March 23, from 8:30 PM until Monday morning at 6 AM. During this time, we'll be switching the water supply from the old water main to a temporary water main, which will keep the water flowing for residents and businesses during construction.

We understand that water outages can be inconvenient, so we try to schedule these outages at the best times for our community. SPU is working closely with building managers and businesses to minimize the impact on everyone.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us by calling our project hotline at (206) 257-2202 or emailing RapidRide@seattle.gov. We’re here to help!  

"*If you operate an apartment, hotel, or business:* "

When managing a project of this size, we collaborate with SPU to inform properties affected by major water shutoffs. These notifications are sent before the work and include specific time frames. However, we may need to contact you immediately for smaller shutoffs, connections, or emergencies. Please email RapidRide@seattle.gov with the best contact person for your property, along with their contact information. This way, we can ensure you’re informed promptly. Thank you for your understanding and support as we work together to improve our community!

Tramonti Condos and Ruby Condos Water Shutoffs

SPU crews will temporarily shut off water services for the Tramonti Condos (2920 Eastlake Ave E) and the Ruby Condos (2960 Eastlake Ave E) on Tuesday, March 18, from as early as 6 AM to as late as 10 AM. This interruption is part of our ongoing construction to upgrade the water main along Eastlake Ave. Residents and businesses within the buildings can expect a water outage lasting approximately two to three hours to complete this work. 

Southbound Harvard Ave E Lane Closure
A map of the southbound lane closure on Harvard Ave E between Eastlake Ave E and E Allison St

"A map of the southbound lane closure on Harvard Ave E between Eastlake Ave E and E Allison St."

As part of the water main construction on Eastlake Ave E, crews will need to close the southbound lane of Harvard Ave E between Franklin Ave E and Eastlake Ave E as soon as March 29. The northbound lane of Harvard Ave E will remain open. Local access to driveways and residential buildings will still be available during this time.   

We will keep one lane of Eastlake Ave E open in both directions near the intersection of Harvard Ave E to safely guide vehicles around the construction. This closure will help our team access the utilities beneath the road and will be in place through April.  

During the southbound Harvard Ave E closure, we will reopen E Allison St in both eastbound and westbound directions to accommodate the detour. Westbound traffic on E Allison St will be allowed to turn right onto northbound Eastlake Ave E. Additionally, northbound traffic on Harvard Ave E will be permitted to turn left onto E Allison St. For more information, please refer to the map above. 

Mosaic Tile Removal
A mosaic tile at the intersection of Eastlake Ave E and E Lynn St

"A mosaic tile at the intersection of Eastlake Ave E and E Lynn St."

Our project team is committed to preserving the existing art in the Eastlake neighborhood. We will carefully remove and store the mosaic tiles before we start construction in certain areas along Eastlake Ave E. Once we complete sections of the new sidewalks and curb ramps, we will reinstall these tiles.

Tile removal will take place during daytime hours on Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15. We want you to know that there may be some typical construction noise and dust during this time. However, it is expected to take just a few hours. After carefully removing the tiles, we’ll place a temporary patch to keep things safe and smooth­ until the sidewalks are fully restored later in the project.

Nightwork at 700 Fairview Ave N

Beginning Friday, March 14, crews will be *working overnight* at 700 Fairview Ave N, between Valley St and Mercer St. We will work at night and on the weekend to reduce the impact to traffic during the day.

Our crews will upgrade the stormwater system by installing new connections and structures. We will need to take road lanes to do this work. We expect this construction to take a week to complete.

All nighttime work will comply with the City of Seattle’s noise variance requirements. For more information on the City’s noise code, please visit their website [ https://www.seattle.gov/sdci/codes/codes-we-enforce-(a-z)/noise-code?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. 

Online Drop-In Sessions

Thank you for stopping by our online drop-in sessions! We enjoy connecting with business owners and community members every week.

You can join us on Thursdays between 2 and 3 PM. Feel free to join our discussion anytime during the hour-long session to ask your questions in the way that makes you most comfortable. You can leave your camera off, type your questions in the chat, or listen as others ask questions about the project.

You can access the online meetings with the details below: Meeting link [ https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjJmZWEwZjktOWJhMS00ZmI1LTg0YzAtOGI3MDJkYjJhYWQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%2278e61e45-6beb-4009-8f99-359d8b54f41b%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%2271cfd74a-2d02-46d1-be7d-70c1ff5a2d67%22%7D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

Meeting ID: 237 305 138 093

Passcode: mBSfNf

Business Spotlights

Are you a business owner in the University District, Eastlake, or South Lake Union neighborhoods? We’d love to spotlight your business in a future email update! Connect with our team at RapidRide@seattle.gov to learn more about this opportunity.

"Access to all businesses will be maintained and prioritized throughout the construction of the RapidRide J Line. We encourage everyone to continue visiting and supporting their favorite neighborhood businesses during this time." 

*How to Stay Informed*  

To ensure you're informed of the latest updates and developments on the RapidRide J Line project, we encourage you to sign up for our project emails. This will give you detailed information about construction activities, timelines, and any changes that may affect your neighborhood. Please feel free to share the details of our website and project emails with friends, family, or anyone who might be interested in knowing more about this exciting initiative. You can sign up for the emails and find more information on our project website [ https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=govdelivery.com&h=6c4b49d7a3fb4ef6b3ebeebf020de3e1&i=NjVlMjQ4NzM0ODMzNjA1ZjY4NzdkMzdk&p=m&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVbl_TJuflgMLM9sNZKcSEw1ELJw3erXr5XRR3GLgMEGjw&t=MVFGc2c2MnZYUjNjRG5TQUdCS3Bya0ExYzFza1R5WFRHY3dYQjhYaXo4UT0%3D&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saW5rcy0xLmdvdmRlbGl2ZXJ5LmNvbS9DTDAvaHR0cHM6JTJGJTJGd3d3LnNlYXR0bGUuZ292JTJGdHJhbnNwb3J0YXRpb24lMkZwcm9qZWN0cy1hbmQtcHJvZ3JhbXMlMkZwcm9ncmFtcyUyRnRyYW5zaXQtcHJvZ3JhbSUyRnRyYW5zaXQtcGx1cy1tdWx0aW1vZGFsLWNvcnJpZG9yLXByb2dyYW0lMkZyYXBpZHJpZGUtcm9vc2V2ZWx0JTNGdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCUyNnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Z292ZGVsaXZlcnkvMi8wMTAwMDE5MjcyYmVmM2RkLWIyZDA1ZWVmLTgzNDItNDk0ZC1iNzZlLWI3YTc5OWYwM2YwYS0wMDAwMDAvcmtEZUhUZzA5VTZJT1JsTHhhdEJnbmFOc1FyV2VMckh4QTJ1MzBvOW0xVT0zNzQ%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. Thank you for your continued support and engagement!

*Contact us** *    

If you have any questions, please contact us at RapidRide@seattle.gov.       


Darrell Bulmer    

Communications and Outreach Lead    

RapidRide@seattle.gov | (206) 257-2022  

*Need Translation?*   

For information on our work to upgrade the Route 70 bus route to a RapidRide bus line, in your language, please leave a voicemail in your preferred language at (206) 257-2202  

Para obtener información en su idioma sobre nuestro trabajo para convertir la Ruta 70 del autobús a una línea RapidRide, llame al (206) 257-2202  

若想通過您的語言了解有關 70 號公車路線升級為快速線 (RapidRide) 的工程資訊,請致電 (206) 257-2202  

若想通过您的语言了解有关 70 号公交路线升级为快速线 (RapidRide) 的工程信息,请致电 (206) 257-2202  

70번 버스 노선을 RapidRide 노선으로 업그레이드하기 위한 당국의 작업에 대한 정보를 귀하의 언어로 확인하려면 (206) 257‑2202로 전화하십시오  

Route للحصول على المعلومات حول عملنا لتطوير مسار الحافلة 70   

(206) 257-2022 بلغتك، اتصل بالرق م  RapidRide إلى خ ط  

Visit our webpage [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/transit-program/transit-plus-multimodal-corridor-program/rapidride-roosevelt?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*Seattle City Hall*

600 4th Avenue

Seattle, WA 98104

*Phone: 206-684-2489 (CITY)*

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  • [登録者]City of Seattle
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Seattle, WA
  • 登録日 : 2025/03/14
  • 掲載日 : 2025/03/14
  • 変更日 : 2025/03/14
  • 総閲覧数 : 12 人
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