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Maintenance hole work on 97th Ave SE beginning as early as February 3

King County North Mercer Island Enatai Sewer Upgrade Project

January 2025

Maintenance hole work on 97th Ave SE as early as February 3

Expect single lane traffic and flaggers

As early as Monday, February 3, crews will begin work in a maintenance hole on 97th Avenue Southeast south of Southeast 34th Street. Crews will be coating the structure in the maintenance hole. This helps the structure last longer by preventing corrosion and leaks. This work is expected to take a week.


Flaggers will direct single lane traffic on 97th Ave SE during permitted work hours. Access to homes will be maintained. Please drive carefully and follow all signs and instructions from flaggers. After permitted working hours, 97th Ave SE will be restored to two-way traffic.

This work is weather dependent. If it needs to be rescheduled, we will update our project website [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/capital-projects/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade ].

Map of maintenance hole on 97th Ave SE

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What to expect:

* Approved work hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday.
* Single lane traffic along 97th Ave SE with flaggers directing traffic.
* Additional trucks in the area to perform this work.
* All work will be performed in the public right-of-way.
* Noise, dust, and vibrations typical of an active construction project.
* Emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
* Garbage, recycling, composting, and mail service will be maintained.
* If services are interrupted, please call the project hotline at 425-305-3578.

* Construction schedules can change based on factors such as site conditions, weather, and material availability. Please visit the project website [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/capital-projects/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade ] for updates.


Learn more about this project

* Contact the community services team at 425-305-3578 or email NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov
* Visit the project website: kingcounty.gov/MercerEnataiSewer [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/wtd/capital-projects/active/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade.aspx ].
* Alternative Formats Available: 206-477-5371 or TTY Relay: 711  

*Sign up for location-specific email lists on our website.* [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/capital-projects/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade/update-sign-ups ]

Los servicios de interpretación y traducción están disponibles para usted sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, comuníquese con NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578


免費為您提供口譯和筆譯服務。如果您需要這些服 務,請聯絡 NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578


免费为您提供口译和笔译服务。如果您需要这些服 务,请联络 NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578

[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]

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  • 掲載日 : 2025/01/31
  • 変更日 : 2025/01/31
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