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RapidRide J Line Construction News: January 31, 2025

Learn more about upcoming work.

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The RapidRide J Line project will enhance transit access and improve travel in the University District, Eastlake, South Lake Union, and Belltown. Whether commuting, attending the University of Washington, receiving medical care, or visiting local businesses, this project will make getting around easier and more convenient.  

Our goal is to maintain reliable transit connections for Seattle’s growing communities by upgrading roads, sidewalks, lighting, drainage, and traffic signals. We will also add protected bike lanes and replace the water main on Eastlake Ave E. These improvements will support local businesses, housing access, and connected, vibrant communities. 

RapidRide J Line

Here’s what is included in this email update: 

* NE 43rd St Closure in University District 
* University District Water Shutoffs 
* Stormwater Work on Eastlake Ave E 
* Drainage Work on Fairview Ave N 
* Business Spotlight: Eastlake Fitness 
* Construction and Online Drop-In Sessions                                                     

NE 43rd St Closure in University District 
A map showing the detours for the Northeast 43rd Street closures.

"NE 43rd St detour map."

We have closed NE 43rd St between Roosevelt Way NE and 11th Ave NE, followed by a closure between 11th Ave NE and 12th Ave NE. A detour will be put in place guiding traffic around the closures. During these closure, northbound traffic on 11th Ave NE will be maintained. We will be shifting traffic around the work areas, please follow signed detours. 

This work will include trenching in the roadway, the installation of a new water main, and finally new concrete paving. Be prepared for noise, vibrations, dust, and trucking activities for approximately eight weeks at this location. We are working with local business owners to maintain access, garbage pickup, and deliveries

University District Water Shutoffs 
A map showing properties that will experience the upcoming water shut off in the University District.

"The properties highlighted in red will experience the water shutoff."

Last weekend we completed a successful test of the existing valve and are moving forward with a water shutoff this Sunday, Feb. 2 from 2:00 – 7:00 P.M. as we begin work on the new water main. The map above indicates which properties will experience the water shutoff during the date and time listed above. You can read more about water main shutoffs in our frequently asked questions [ https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/SDOT/TransitProgram/RapidRide/Roosevelt/Water%20Main%20FAQs.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] document on the project website. 

Stormwater Work on Eastlake Ave E
A crewmember completing drainage work on Eastlake Avenue East.

"A crewmember checking the depth of the stormwater line."

Crews are continuing to work on drainage lines on Eastlake between E Hamlin St and E Allison St. This work requires us to dig trenches, install new drainage pipes, and connect inlets where needed. There is signage in place to guide traffic. Nearby businesses and residences will notice additional noise and vibration. 

Further south, stormwater drainage replacement work is progressing north along Eastlake Ave E from E Boston St to E Lynn St. After completion of our mainline stormwater work at Eastlake Ave E and E Lynn St we will shift our focus towards the installation of inlets and connections to the mainline. 

On Eastlake Ave E we are putting down temporary paving between E Howe St and E Garfield St where we previously completed stormwater drainage replacement work. 

Drainage Work on Fairview Ave N
A police officer directing traffic near Duke's Seafood off of Fairview Avenue North.

"A traffic officer directing traffic near Duke's Seafood off of Fairview Ave N."

We are continuing to complete drainage improvements along Fairview Ave N at various locations. This work has required us to close the city owned parking strip on the west side of Fairview Ave N. As we complete this work, we will restore the work areas to its original condition. Please also anticipate shifting lanes and follow signage around the work areas.

Business Spotlight: Eastlake Fitness - 2228 Eastlake Ave E Studio C
An image showing the inside of Eastlake Fitness.

"Eastlake Fitness."

Eastlake Fitness is a boutique studio for instructors that want to teach private sessions from one-on-one up to small groups of ten people and for individuals and couples that just want to do their own workouts. Instructor rates are hourly and individual membership rates are monthly.  

Equipment includes dumbbells from 2.5 lbs up to 95 lbs; Kettlebells; Precore Pro-glide Training System; Heavy Rope; TRX System; LeMond stationary bikes; and a variety of ropes, weighted balls, box step, bands, etc. There is a large maple hardwood floor for stretching, yoga, dance, tai chi and other activities. 

On Friday evenings from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Balanced Biology Boxing is teaching 30 minutes boxing classes in small groups of 4 people. Visit www.eastlakefitness.com [ https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=eastlakefitness.com&h=97b1c447f94f442095214d21f9324379&i=NjVlNjk5MjQ1MmYzNTYyOGIyZjNmZjg3&p=m&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVavcrjWMM9zy1Sc3Yy33JaGOuZ0xvYDH-uchuEY9Ln6qw&t=YjN3bVgyVHYwOFhXV1VONU1ONlNKZ0ZTOXVIK2RHMFNKdTBrZ0lxN1B3cz0%3D&u=d3d3LmVhc3RsYWtlZml0bmVzcy5jb20%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for more information. 

Construction and Online Drop-In Sessions

We are continuing to enjoy our weekly check in sessions with business owners and community members. People are dropping by to ask our team questions and learning more about how the project is progressing.  

You can join us on Thursdays between 2 and 3 p.m. Feel free to join our discussion anytime during the hour-long session to ask your questions in the way that makes you most comfortable. You can leave your camera off, type your questions in the chat, or simply listen as others ask questions about the project.  

You can access the online meetings with the details below: 

Meeting link [ https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjJmZWEwZjktOWJhMS00ZmI1LTg0YzAtOGI3MDJkYjJhYWQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%2278e61e45-6beb-4009-8f99-359d8b54f41b%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%2271cfd74a-2d02-46d1-be7d-70c1ff5a2d67%22%7D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Meeting ID: 237 305 138 093

Passcode: mBSfNf 

*How to Stay Informed*  

To ensure you're informed of the latest updates and developments on the RapidRide J Line project, we encourage you to sign up for our project emails. This will give you detailed information about construction activities, timelines, and any changes that may affect your neighborhood. Please feel free to share the details of our website and project emails with friends, family, or anyone who might be interested in knowing more about this exciting initiative. You can sign up for the emails and find more information on our project website [ https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=govdelivery.com&h=6c4b49d7a3fb4ef6b3ebeebf020de3e1&i=NjVlMjQ4NzM0ODMzNjA1ZjY4NzdkMzdk&p=m&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVbl_TJuflgMLM9sNZKcSEw1ELJw3erXr5XRR3GLgMEGjw&t=MVFGc2c2MnZYUjNjRG5TQUdCS3Bya0ExYzFza1R5WFRHY3dYQjhYaXo4UT0%3D&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saW5rcy0xLmdvdmRlbGl2ZXJ5LmNvbS9DTDAvaHR0cHM6JTJGJTJGd3d3LnNlYXR0bGUuZ292JTJGdHJhbnNwb3J0YXRpb24lMkZwcm9qZWN0cy1hbmQtcHJvZ3JhbXMlMkZwcm9ncmFtcyUyRnRyYW5zaXQtcHJvZ3JhbSUyRnRyYW5zaXQtcGx1cy1tdWx0aW1vZGFsLWNvcnJpZG9yLXByb2dyYW0lMkZyYXBpZHJpZGUtcm9vc2V2ZWx0JTNGdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCUyNnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Z292ZGVsaXZlcnkvMi8wMTAwMDE5MjcyYmVmM2RkLWIyZDA1ZWVmLTgzNDItNDk0ZC1iNzZlLWI3YTc5OWYwM2YwYS0wMDAwMDAvcmtEZUhUZzA5VTZJT1JsTHhhdEJnbmFOc1FyV2VMckh4QTJ1MzBvOW0xVT0zNzQ%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. Thank you for your continued support and engagement!

*Contact us** *    

If you have any questions, please contact us at RapidRide@seattle.gov.       


Darrell Bulmer    

Communications and Outreach Lead    

RapidRide@seattle.gov | (206) 257-2022  

*Need Translation?*   

For information on our work to upgrade the Route 70 bus route to a RapidRide bus line, in your language, please leave a voicemail in your preferred language at (206) 257-2202  

Para obtener información en su idioma sobre nuestro trabajo para convertir la Ruta 70 del autobús a una línea RapidRide, llame al (206) 257-2202  

若想通過您的語言了解有關 70 號公車路線升級為快速線 (RapidRide) 的工程資訊,請致電 (206) 257-2202  

若想通过您的语言了解有关 70 号公交路线升级为快速线 (RapidRide) 的工程信息,请致电 (206) 257-2202  

70번 버스 노선을 RapidRide 노선으로 업그레이드하기 위한 당국의 작업에 대한 정보를 귀하의 언어로 확인하려면 (206) 257‑2202로 전화하십시오  

Route للحصول على المعلومات حول عملنا لتطوير مسار الحافلة 70   

(206) 257-2022 بلغتك، اتصل بالرق م  RapidRide إلى خ ط  

Visit our webpage [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/transit-program/transit-plus-multimodal-corridor-program/rapidride-roosevelt?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*Seattle City Hall*

600 4th Avenue

Seattle, WA 98104

*Phone: 206-684-2489 (CITY)*

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This email was sent to mshinji3056@gmail.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: City of Seattle, Washington · 707 17th St, Suite 4000 · Denver, CO 80202 GovDelivery logo [ https://subscriberhelp.granicus.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

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  • [登録者]City of Seattle
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Seattle, WA
  • 登録日 : 2025/01/31
  • 掲載日 : 2025/01/31
  • 変更日 : 2025/01/31
  • 総閲覧数 : 23 人
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