City of Auburn: Summer Special Events & Programs
- [登録者]City of Auburn
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Auburn, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/06/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/20
- 変更日 : 2024/06/20
- 総閲覧数 : 70 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 일본 문화를 알리기 위한 각종 이벤트 개최 ! UW 일본인 유학생, 일본...
University of Washington (UW) 워싱턴 대학의 일본인 학생 단체 ( JSA )입니다.1990년대 초반에 대학 내 동아리로 창설되었습니다. 이벤트를 통해 일본인이 아닌 학생들에게 일본 문화를 알리고 즐거운 시간을 보내기 위한 기획을 하고 있습니다 ★ 부담없이 참여해 주세요 !.
- 보낼 수 있는 짐의 양이라면 닛통의 팩이 절대적으로 저렴합니다 ! 해외 ...
'미국에서 일본으로의 해외 이사 서비스'는 신뢰 ・ 실적이 있는 닛통이 편리합니다. 혼자서 또는 가족 단위의 이사 등, 문의는 일본어로 상담해 주십시오.
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- NPO 동물보호단체입니다. 사람과 동물을 연결하는 가교가 될 수 있도록 ...
1897년에 설립된 비영리 동물보호단체로 1년에 6,000마리 이상의 동물을 보호하고 있다. 자원봉사, 기부금, 수시로 접수하고 있습니다. ・ 동물보호 ・ 위탁보호 ・
보호소 제공 ・ 푸드뱅크 ・ 개와 훈련 개와 훈련 +1 (425) 641-0080Seattle Humane Society
- 2월 4일 ( 화요일 ) 부터 신학기 시작 ! ・ 주의 사항 : 시애틀에...
SAPIX USA에 산호세 캠퍼스가 새롭게 문을 열었습니다. 산호세 학교의 개교로 뉴욕, 뉴저지, 맨해튼 학교의 수업뿐만 아니라 산호세 학교의 수업도 온라인으로 수강할 수 있게 되었습니다. 산호세교 수업을 수강하면 시차를 신경 쓰지 않고 수강할 수 있습니다 ! 학업이나 학습 상담 등 학외 학생의 가정에도 대응 가능. 일본으로의 진학이라면, 꼭 저희에게...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- 보험은 종합보험대리점 다이와손해보험에 맡겨주세요 ! 자동차보험, 의료보험...
개인용, 기업용 모든 보험을 취급합니다. 보험은 만일의 사태에 대비하여 매우 중요합니다. 다이와손해보험은 고객의 니즈를 파악하여 여러 보험사 중에서 가장 적합한 보험을 찾아드립니다. ! www.daiwainsurance.com 자동차 보험 의료보험 ・ 해외여행보험 생명보험 산재보험 점포 보험
+1 (310) 540-8595Daiwa Insurance Marketing, Inc.
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+1 (206) 568-7114Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington (JCCCW)
- < 안심할 수 있는 일본어 대응 > 2021년 11월에 개업한 벨뷰의 치...
숙련된 의료진과 스태프들의 최고의 기술 ・ 서비스를 제공하여, 재미 일본인 여러분께 편안한 공간에서 안심하고 치료를 받으실 수 있습니다. 본원에서는 치과치료에 대한 불안감이나 두려움을 가지고 계신 분들을 위해 이산화질소 웃음가스 마취나 내복약을 통한 구강 세데이션도 옵션으로 제공하고 있습니다. 정기검진 ・ 클리닝 일반치과 ・ 소아치과 1DAY 크라운...
+1 (425) 974-8161Bellevue Premier Dental
- 朗読を通して読書の喜びをお届けしています。
Voice Library in Japanese
- Please come visit us!
The health of Puget Sound and our one world ocean is at stake, and the mission of the Seattle Aquarium has never been more important. We all have an awesome responsibility to protect and restore our m...
(206) 386-4300Seattle Aquarium
- 온라인 화상통화를 이용한 원격진료로 시애틀시 주변을 포함한 워싱턴주 전역...
워싱턴주에 거주하는 많은 일본인들이 언어와 문화의 장벽, 일본 가족이나 친구와의 이별, 생활 습관의 차이, 현지 직장이나 학교의 부적응, 좁은 일본 사회 내에서의 인간관계의 갈등 등 다양한 스트레스에 노출되어 있다. 낯선 해외에서의 생활은 결코 쉽지 않다. 스트레스는 만병의 근원이라는 말이 있듯이, 강한 스트레스는 자신도 모르는 사이에 다양한 몸과 마음의 ...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 미래 계획에 맞춰 안심하고 ・ 만족스러운 모기지 대출을 소개합니다. 주택...
집을 살 때 가장 먼저 대출회사와 상담하는 것이 좋습니다. 대부분의 사람들은 집을 살 때 먼저 부동산 중개업소에 연락을 할 것입니다. 그러면 "Pre-approval Letter가 있습니까?"라고 물어볼 것이다. 미국에서는 부동산을 구입할 때 매도인에게 오퍼를 넣을 때 ( 구매자가 매도인에게 희망 구매 가격 및 기타 조건을 제안하는 ) 문서에 이 Pre-a...
+1 (206) 679-3371Groves Capital, Inc. (Mitsuko Miller)
- 미국 회계법인입니다. 법인, 개인을 불문하고 세금보고, 미국 회사 설립 ...
한-미간 세무지원 ! 신속한 수속과 사후관리 ! 일본어 ・ 영어 모두 대응하고 있습니다.
+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services / Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
- 미국 전역에서 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고, 일본인 커뮤니...
후라토는 뉴욕을 거점으로 미국 전역에서 활동하는 비영리 단체로, 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고 일본인 커뮤니티를 지원하고 있습니다. 미국에서 의료와 보험의 복잡성에 직면한 일본인과 그 간병인, 고령화에 따라 고립되는 시니어가 늘어나는 가운데, 우리는 필요한 정보와 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 온라인 활동... +1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
girls at KidsDay
KIDSDAY [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2023-08-04T21%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2023-08-04T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=13587190¤tDate=2024-05-04&view=event ]
Tuesday, June 25 | 11am - 4pm
Les Gove Park
An event to celebrate Auburn's youngest citizens! This FREE, fun-filled, one-day event includes inflatable rides, live entertainment, arts and craft opportunities, mini golf, loads of vendors, a touch-a-truck display, food concessions and so much more!
Sistahs Artists
Thursday, June 27
Postmark Center for the Arts, 20 Auburn Ave.*
* *Bits and Bobs* [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19711628&objectId.786619=20267892&contextId.786619=19711630&parentId.786619=19711631&localStartDate=2024-06-27T14:00&localEndDate=2024-06-27T16:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogDb1LIv9Gk9euKPgLVmNSPg%3d ] | *2:00-4:00pm | Free*
* Take part in this amazing free workshop put on by "SISTAHS" artists Brenetta Ward and Debra Harris-Branham; Bits and Bobs. Work with reused, recycled, and found materials to create your own original artwork. Ages: 13+.
Instructors: Brenetta Ward & Debra Harris-Branham
* *"SISTAHS": Artist Talk [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19711628&objectId.786619=20267903&contextId.786619=19711630&parentId.786619=19711631&localStartDate=2024-06-27T17:30&localEndDate=2024-06-27T18:30&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogPDtg6VGMZcxSLdCtbxqlVA%3d ] | *5:30-6:30pm*** | Free*
* Postmark proudly welcomes nationally recognized Auburn artist and guest curator Marita Dingus for a talk about Postmark's current show: "SISTAHS". Joined by artists Brenetta Ward and Debra Harris-Branham. Ages: 13+.
Speakers: Marita Dingus, Brenetta Ward, Debra Harris-Branham
Island Fest
ISLAND FESTIVAL 2024 [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=20302694&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2024-06-29T12:00&localEndDate=2024-06-29T15:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogOekzCUaZQWw6nlgp%2b3EGJY%3d ]
Saturday, June 29 | 12pm-3pm
Postmark Center for the Arts
This fun event will celebrate and showcase island arts and culture! This FREE, one-day community event includes lei making, a cultural fashion runway show, live cultural performances, arts and craft opportunities, and more! Presented in collaboration with Auburn’s Arts of Love. Come join us!
farmers market 2024
AUBURN FARMERS MARKET [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529317 ]
Every Sunday through September 15
Les Gove Park | 10am - 3pm
The Auburn Farmers Market is a forum for the purchase of a variety of healthy and locally grown products to the area residents. The Market serves as a convenient marketplace for local farmers, artisans, food processors and is a vibrant gathering place for the community to enjoy AUBURN!
Market Special Events:
* *Sunday, June 30:* Brazil Duo, 11-11:45am & Gardening presentation | 12:15-1:15pm
* *Sunday, July 7:* Marianne Binetti - Gardening presentation | 11am-12pm
* *Sunday, July 14:* Auburn Symphony Quartet, 11am-1pm; Zumba [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageId=12529726 ],1:30-2pm
* *Sunday, July 21:* Flight Club Foundation [ https://www.flightclubfoundation.org/ ] parrot presentation, 12-1:30pm
* Visit auburnwa.gov/events [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/events ] for a listing of all events during the Market season
Rank us as America's Favorite Farmers Market by voting in the 16th annual America’s Farmers Market Celebration. Cast your vote! [ https://markets.farmland.org/markets/7978670 ]
*REC N ROLL [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/recnroll ]*
*Free Mobile Recreation Program*
*Monday-Friday | July 1-August 30*
*10am - 2pm | **Various Parks in Auburn*
The Rec n Roll van is packed with outdoor games, crafts, water play, dedicated staff – and it’s coming right to you all summer! Join us as we roll this free program into parks and schools throughout the City of Auburn. Our trained staff will set up interactive games, activities, and crafts for children to encourage outdoor play and physical activity. For more information about the program and a full schedule, visit auburnwa.gov/recnroll [ https://url.us.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/-7rkCOY29vHpXlVNuwXfR3?domain=vmm0dj30.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me ]. *No program July 4 & 5
4th of July Festival
4th OF JULY FESTIVAL [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2023-08-04T21%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2023-08-04T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=13593365¤tDate=2024-05-04&view=event ]
Thursday, July 4 | 11am - 4pm
Les Gove Park
A fun-filled daytime event for the whole family featuring two entertainment stages, inflatable rides, bungy trampolines, a rock wall, a car show, mini golf, train rides, artisan vendors, food concessions and much more. There's something for everyone and it's the perfect way to spend the 4th!
teen badmiton
*Ages 11 & older*
This summer, teen program staff will be setting up competitive games that you and your neighborhood friends can participate in at a neighborhood park! Bring your best team and be ready for friendly competition. This free program that provides an outlet for teens in the community. Staff will lead games and competitions that will include volleyball, basketball, kickball and flag football. Participating teens will also receive a snack. The schedule is as follows:
* July 8 & 10: Lea Hill Park | 5:00-8:00 pm
* July 15 & 17: Sunset Park | 5:00-8:00 pm
* July 22 & 24: Game Farm Park | 5:00-8:00 pm
* July 29 & 31: Les Gove Park | 5:00-8:00 pm
* August 5 & 7: Lea Hill Park | 5:00-8:00 pm
* August 12 & 14: Sunset Park | 5:00-8:00 pm
park yoga
*FREE FITNESS IN THE PARK [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/fitness ] *
Join the Auburn Community Fitness Team for four weeks of FREE outdoor fitness classes! These classes offer slow movements to focus on balance, stability, and relaxation. More information at www.auburnwa.gov/fitness [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/fitness ]. Pre-registration is not required; daily sign in is required.
* *Tuesdays | July 9-30 | 11 a.m.-Noon Qi Gong/Tai Chi – Sunset Park*
* QiGong & Tai Chi consist of movements that are practiced in a slow, focused manner with deep breathing. It is a self-paced program of gentle, physical exercise and stretching that improves, balance, stability, and flexibility.
* *Wednesdays | July 10-31 | 7-8 p.m. Yoga – Sunset Park*
* This introductory Yoga class is appropriate for all fitness levels. Bring your mat and enjoy the summer evening in the park with a relaxing Yoga practice.
* *Second Sunday Zumba | July 14; August 11 & September 8 | 1:30-2 p.m. |
Auburn Farmers Market, Les Gove Park*
* ZUMBA® is a dance-based fitness workout putting Latin rhythms with easy-to-follow moves. Burn calories and body fat; tone and sculpt your body. Ditch the workout! Join the Party!
Summer Rides 2024
*SUMMER RIDE AT CEDAR LANES [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=17881741 ]*
*Free Mountain Bike Instruction & Rides*
*Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 9-Aug. 15*
*5-8pm | Cedar Lanes Bike Park*
This free summer program features a 30-minute ride skills clinic each session, then participants can hit the trails, skills zones, and the new Pump Track. Don’t know how to ride? We’ve got you covered! Instructors will be on hand and bikes and helmets of all sizes are available to borrow (waiver required). Bikes are available for ages 2 to adult! Helmets and a participant waiver are required. Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Co-sponsored by Cycle Therapy Racing
kids summerstage
[ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2022-05-21T09%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2022-05-21T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=18048215¤tDate=2022-05-03&view=event ]KIDS SUMMERSTAGE [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2023-08-04T21%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2023-08-04T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=19930994¤tDate=2024-05-04&view=event ]
Wednesdays, July 10 – August 14 | 12pm
Les Gove Park
An exciting children’s outdoor entertainment series that will be LOADS of fun for kiddos at the adults who bring them! Pack up a picnic lunch and enjoy the performances. This entertainment series will be held at the parks shelter beside the Discovery Playground.
*Summer Line-up:*
* *July 10* - Reptile Isle - an educational, interactive reptile performance everyone enjoys.
* *July 17* - Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Dance Party
* *July 24* - Kelli Welli - songs for kids and the people that love them
* *July 31* - Brian Vogan & His Good Buddies - fun, inclusive, interactive music for kids and families
* *August 7* - The Magic of Jeff Evans - a fun, unforgettable, interactive magic show
* *August 14* - Charlie Williams The Noiseguy - a vocal sound impressionist and kids' comedian
summer sounds
SUMMER SOUNDS [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=20174676&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2024-07-10T18:30&localEndDate=2024-07-10T20:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogMJZdck93MSsPtzsHknWvQQ%3d ]
Wednesdays, July 10 – August 14 | 6:30pm
Les Gove Park
The perfect summer entertainment series the whole family will enjoy! Pack up a picnic dinner and enjoy the performances. This entertainment series will be held at the parks shelter beside the Discovery Playground.
Summer Line-Up:
* *July 10* – 80’s Ladies – The Best Rock n Roll from the Women of the 80’s
* *July 17* – Darren Motamedy – Contemporary Jazz Saxophonist
* *July 24* – The Fabulous Murphtones – Classic Rock N Roll and more
* *July 31* – Hook Me Up Band – Pop, Rock, Jazz & Blues
* *August 7* – Auburn Symphony Woodwind Quintet – Pops and Classical
* *August 14* – Army 1st Corps I-5 Rock Band – Rock N Roll
Summer Climbing
*July 10, August 14 & September 11*
*Les Gove Park | 5:30-7:30pm | Ages 4 & up*
Bring the family to the climbing wall in Les Gove Park for a full evening of rock-climbing fun! This is a drop-in climbing opportunity all equipment, instruction and belayers will be provided. Fee: $12/$15.
* Wednesday, July 10 | 5:30-7:30pm [ http://apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/Activity_Search/8600 ]
* Wednesday, August 14 | 5:30-7:30pm [ http://apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/Activity_Search/8601 ]
* Wednesday, September 11 | 5:30-7:30pm [ http://apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/Activity_Search/8602 ]
Check out Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation *Rock Climbing package options* designed for groups and families wanting to develop teambuilding skills and have fun. This program can be customized to meet your groups’ or families’ individual needs. Perfect for teams, clubs, workplace training, youth groups, and especially families. The program will be customized at time of registration. All equipment, instruction and facilitation are provided. Please call 253-931-3043 for available times.
[ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=13593365&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2023-07-04T11:00&localEndDate=2023-07-04T16:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogOcaLVEc%2bzNhAucua7MgEZA%3d ]AUBURN AIRPORT DAY [ https://auburnmunicipalairport.com ]
Saturday, July 13 | 10am - 4pm
Auburn Municipal Airport | 2143 E Street NE
Learn about aviation and the Auburn Airport while you enjoy great food, great company and the chance to be up close and personal with the people, planes and helicopters that make flight possible.
postmark craft
FREE ARTMAKING EXPERIENCES [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19713036&portalid=11470638 ]!*
**Postmark Center for the Arts | 20 Auburn Ave *
Second Saturdays are starting in Auburn for the summer! The City of Auburn is hosting free creative workshops and activities for all ages the second Saturday of each month at Auburn's new Postmark Center for the Arts. See below for our line-up of wonderful upcoming programming for summer 2024! Sponsored in part by Kiwanis Club of Auburn.
* *Saturday, July 13 [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19713036&portalid=11470638 ]:* SISTAHS inspired artmaking 12-4pm
* Guest Artist 1-3pm (artist Wol-Un)
* *Saturday, August 10 [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19713036&portalid=11470638 ]:* Family Postmark Craft 12-4pm
* Guest Artist 1:30-2:30pm (Auburn Garden Club introduction to Floral Design)
barnyard dance
Barnyard Dance [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8984?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
Friday July 26 | 5- 7PM
Mary Olson Farm
Free Family Friendly Event! Bluegrass & BBQ in the Barnyard!
Join us for a fun family evening on the farm with live country music, delicious BBQ, and tons of fun activities. Learn to rope, have animal encounters with our barnyard friends, and explore the historic Mary Olson Farm!
*MARY OLSON FARM SUMMER OPEN HOURS [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/the-farm ]*
*Saturdays & Sundays | through August 17 | 11am-4pm Mary Olson Farm | 28728 Green River Rd SE*
"(just North of the Auburn Golf Course)"
It’s a park and a landmark! Take your family to the Mary Olson Farm this summer. It’s the perfect location to take in a little history, have a picnic, and feel far away from the modern world. Admission is Free.
Friday Night Flicks 2021
FRIDAY NIGHT FLICKS [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2023-08-04T21%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2023-08-04T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=19958692¤tDate=2024-05-04&view=event ]
Fridays, July 26-August 9 | dusk
Various Parks in Auburn
A blockbuster movie under the stars is the perfect way to end a summer week! Pack your picnic chairs, blankets and movie snacks and join us for an outdoor movie experience.
* *Friday, July 26*, Lea Hill Park, 31693 124th AVE SE
* Movie (approx. 9:10 PM): The Super Mario Bros Movie (PG)
* *Friday, August 2*, Sunset Park, 1420 69th Street SE
* Movie (approx. 9:00 PM): Elemental (PG)
* *Friday, August 9*, Les Gove Park, 910 Ninth Street SE
* 6:30 - 8:30 PM: Concert: Prom Date Mixtape "(The Greatest Tribute Band in the PNW!)"
* 7:00PM: ‘Almost 5K’ Poker Fun Run
* Movie (approx. 8:50 PM): The Wizard of Oz (G)
Fun Run
ALMOST 5K POKER FUN RUN [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8530?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
Friday, August 9 | 7pm
Les Gove Park
The Almost 5K Poker Fun Run & Walk is an in-person fun run perfect for all ages and abilities! This fun run will utilize the big loop at Les Gove Park. Five loops around is “almost” a 5K (short of a 5K by 1,138 feet). For each lap around the loop, participants will stop, choose a card, and try to get the best poker hand with the five cards drawn. All participants must register [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8530?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ] in advance. For registration and event details visit www.auburnwa.gov [ https://auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=13478369&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2022-08-12T19:00&localEndDate=2022-08-12T20:30&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogLWfDh4%2fF2qlndgXf9CINGc%3d ].
HOPS & CROPS MUSIC & BEEF FESTIVAL [ http://wrvmuseum.org/hopsandcrops ]
Saturday, September 14 | 12-6pm
Mary Olson Farm
Fun, sun, music, and brews! This 21 and up event is a South Sound favorite with live bands, dozens of beers to taste, and the most ‘chill’ beer festival experience in the region. Tickets on sale now – buy yours early for a discount!
"www.auburnwa.gov/events [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/events ] | 253-931-3043"
Auburn WA Logo [ http://www.auburnwa.gov ]
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