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Wastewater Construction Management III - Mechanical Inspector

Wastewater Construction Management III - Mechanical Inspector [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/kingcounty/jobs/4688928 ] 10/28/2024 01:57 PM PDT

*About the Role:* 
We are excited to introduce the Construction Management III (Mechanical Inspector) position within the King County Wastewater Treatment Division.  This position may also provide inspection services across the Wastewater Treatment Division which has facilities across King County and within portions of Snohomish and Pierce Counties.  
This role will inspect mechanical construction activities, including the installation of pumps, piping, and all mechanical appurtenances found in a wastewater treatment plant or pump station. The successful candidate can recognize correct work and safe work and coordinate construction activities well with the team.
***About the Team:* **
The Wastewater Treatment Division’s Brightwater Construction office inspects and documents mechanical construction in an industrial environment.  We ensure work is performed safely, correctly, and in compliance with drawings and specifications.  The candidate will be part of a team that prides itself in ensuring proper upgrades to our aging infrastructure to keep wastewater flowing as designed and keeps the environment safe.    

Join our team dedicated to ensuring clean water for generations to come! With over 700 employees engaged in planning, designing, building, and operating treatment facilities, our agency is at the forefront of environmental stewardship. Success for us means upholding our legacy while promising future generations a pristine environment.

We enforce regulations to reduce harmful waste discharge and actively educate the public and businesses on water quality protection. We prioritize accountability to our ratepayers and operate a well-managed agency _that services over 2.3 million King County residents_. Our regional wastewater treatment system not only sustains a healthy environment but also fuels economic development, fostering prosperity in our region. If you're passionate about making a difference and thrive in a collaborative environment, join us in our mission to safeguard our precious water resources.

Commitment to Equity, Racial, and Social Justice: 

King County, named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a diverse and vibrant community that represents cultures from around the world. Our True North is to create a welcoming community where everyone can thrive.  We prioritize equity, racial, and social justice, making it a foundational and daily expectation for all employees. As a Construction Management III - Mechanical Inspector, you will actively apply these principles in all aspects of your work. Learn more about our commitment at http://www.kingcounty.gov/equity. 

Apply now for a rewarding career at the  [ https://www.kingcounty.gov/parks ]_Wastewater Treatment Division_ [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/about ] of King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks (DNRP). Join our talented workforce in protecting and restoring the natural environment and promoting more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities.  Enjoy training, comprehensive benefits [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/audience/employees/careers/why-work-here.aspx ], and growth opportunities. 
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[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]

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  • 登録日 : 2024/10/28
  • 掲載日 : 2024/10/28
  • 変更日 : 2024/10/28
  • 総閲覧数 : 45 人
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