Transportation Planner II
- [등록자]King County
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]King County, WA
- 등록일 : 2024/10/23
- 게재일 : 2024/10/23
- 변경일 : 2024/10/23
- 총열람수 : 55 명
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*Learn** **how** **Metro** **connects** **y**ou** **with** **what** **matters* [ http://kingcountymetro.blog/2019/04/24/how-metro-connects-you-with-what-matters/ ]. * *
Metro Transit’s Contracted Services Section is hiring two (2) *Transportation Planner II positions. *
* Transportation Planner II - Access Paratransit Services
* Transportation Planner II - Mobility Services (Metro Flex)
*Position Information: *This recruitment will fill two Career Service Transportation Planner II positions. In addition, this selection process will generate an eligibility pool for future career service vacancies that may occur in this classification within this Section. The eligibility pool will be retained for 12 months from the date of posting and *"may be used "*at the discretion of the hiring authority.
*Note: *Candidates can share their interests as a Transportation Planner II for the program(s) in Access Paratransit or Mobility Services that interests them in the interview. The hiring panel will include hiring representatives from the two workgroups listed above.
*Transportation Planner II Position – Metro Flex*
This position will support the Metro Flex program - your on-demand neighborhood micro-transit service. With one simple app—and just a few taps—you can ride anywhere in the service area, all for the same cost as a bus trip. Metro Flex is convenient, fast, affordable transit at your fingertips. For more information: https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/travel-options/metro-flex.
Duties may include transportation planning and implementing projects, conducting analyses and specialized studies, drafting policies, and developing project-specific work programs under the supervision of higher-level planners. The incumbent will implement, monitor, and oversee operations for assigned programs, products, tools, and promotional activities for public education to increase market share. The position develops operations parameters and processes in addition to implementation and operations. The incumbent is responsible for supporting programs focused on transportation alternatives and/or helping to expand ridesharing and accessible services beyond the traditional commute and paratransit services.
The ideal candidates will be self-motivated, comfortable in a fast-paced environment, forward-looking, and able to manage and deliver multiple priorities and efforts at a high production level. The candidate needs strong customer service and written/verbal communications skills, project management skills, and the ability to manage multiple projects of varying complexity with shifting priorities in a dynamic, team-based environment.
This position reports to the Mobility Services team within King County Metro Transit and will work closely with leads internal and external customers and contractors/vendors daily. This position must work well across multiple teams and with the public in support of flexible services and commuter and community rideshare efforts.
*Transportation Planner II – Access
*This position will carry the duties above but will be assigned to and specialize in King County’s Paratransit Program support and contract administration. This position will include additional specialization in ADA monitoring, call center management, maintenance, and scheduling/dispatching/maintenance software support. For more information on the specific program, click here: https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/travel-options/accessible-services/access-transportation.
*Metro** **Transit’s** **Contracted** **Services** **Section delivers** **services** **that** **complement** **Metro’s** **fixed-route** **network** **and **is comprised of three work groups:*
*Mobility Services *provides a wide range of successful existing and innovative pilot programs to enhance mobility for the general community as well as special-needs communities, such as Metro Flex, Community Van, Community Access Transportation (includes the Access On-Demand pilot), DART, and Vanpool Services.
*Access Paratransit *provides paratransit services for individuals who are not able to use the fixed-route system as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The group manages the Disabilities Act certification process for Access riders and provides necessary customer service to ensure equitable access to our services. The group also focuses on long-term strategic planning, technology, and performance management of the program; and is responsible for the management of the Access Paratransit contract.
*Finance and Performance* provides critical budget, accounting, finance, and performance support for services across the section.
*Contracted Services Program Information
**Access Paratransit program: *Access Paratransit is a pre-scheduled, demand-responsive, shared-ride transportation service. Metro paratransit services complement Metro fixed-route bus service, Seattle Streetcar, and Sound Transit bus and rail services. Metro exceeds the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for individuals whose disabilities prevent the use of accessible, non-commuter, fixed-route transit services. For more information: Access [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/travel-options/accessible-services/access-transportation ]Transportation - King County, Washington [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/travel-options/accessible-services/access-transportation ]
*Community Access Transportation program: *The program expands mobility options for older adults, people with disabilities, and low-income populations by developing partnerships with community agencies and jurisdictions in King County. The CAT program currently provides over 140 vehicles, operating funds, and/or technical assistance to assist over 25 community agencies that provide their own transportation services for their customers. In return, the agencies provide a minimum number of rides per month for Access-eligible customers and people with special transportation needs. Rides are provided by community agencies, such as Sound Generations’ Hyde Shuttle, Snoqualmie Valley Transportation, and the Northshore Senior Center. The CAT program also develops alternative mobility service options for people with special transportation needs (primarily older adults and people with disabilities, which include low-income populations). The program is also overseeing an Access On-Demand pilot that allows a small number of pilot participants to use a limited number of rides on Metro Flex service for same-day service.
*Community Van program:* Community Vans can be reserved in advance for shared-ride trips in King County. Community members travel together to local destinations during the day, evening, or weekend. Group trips and stops are preplanned (at least two days in advance) by a Community Transportation Coordinator. Riders contact their Community Transportation Coordinator to join pre-scheduled Community Van trips. Each trip must have at least two passengers in addition to the volunteer driver. Each rider pays a one-zone Metro fare. The driver doesn’t pay a fare. Riders can request a new trip by submitting an online form or contacting their community‘s Community Transportation Coordinator. Riders can also suggest a trip they know will be popular with their friends and neighbors. Accessible Community Vans are available on request. For more information, Community Van - King County, Washington [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/travel-options/community-van ]
*Rideshare-Vanpool program: *Vanpool is public transit rideshare where a consistent group of commuters with a similar origin, destination and work schedule share the driving responsibilities and split fares in a Metro-provided vehicle. Fares cover the vehicle, fuel, insurance, maintenance, roadside assistance, and an emergency ride home program. Each Metro Vanpool needs at least two or more to volunteer as drivers and at least one to complete the monthly reports and collect fares. Many employers in and around King County subsidize in full, or in part, their employees vanpool fares making vanpools even more convenient, flexible, and affordable. Vanshares are available for commuters who need to share the ride to or from another public transit mode such as a park-and-ride, trains station or transit hub. For more information: https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/travel-options/vanpool-and-vanshare/vanpool
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