Auburn Arts December 2024
- [등록자]City of Auburn
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Auburn, WA, US
- 등록일 : 2024/11/26
- 게재일 : 2024/11/26
- 변경일 : 2024/11/26
- 총열람수 : 39 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 미국 회계법인입니다. 법인, 개인을 불문하고 세금보고, 미국 회사 설립 ...
한-미간 세무지원 ! 신속한 수속과 사후관리 ! 일본어 ・ 영어 모두 대응하고 있습니다.
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- 2월 4일 신학기 시작 ! ・ 주의 사항 : 시애틀에는 교사가 없습니다....
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- 보낼 수 있는 짐의 양이라면 닛통의 팩이 절대적으로 저렴합니다 ! 해외 ...
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University of Washington (UW) 워싱턴 대학의 일본인 학생 단체 ( JSA )입니다.1990년대 초반에 대학 내 동아리로 창설되었습니다. 이벤트를 통해 일본인이 아닌 학생들에게 일본 문화를 알리고 즐거운 시간을 보내기 위한 기획을 하고 있습니다 ★ 부담없이 참여해 주세요 !.
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+1 (206) 568-7114Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington (JCCCW)
- 미국 전역에서 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고, 일본인 커뮤니...
후라토는 뉴욕을 거점으로 미국 전역에서 활동하는 비영리 단체로, 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고 일본인 커뮤니티를 지원하고 있습니다. 미국에서 의료와 보험의 복잡성에 직면한 일본인과 그 간병인, 고령화에 따라 고립되는 시니어가 늘어나는 가운데, 우리는 필요한 정보와 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 온라인 활동... +1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- < 안심할 수 있는 일본어 대응 > 2021년 11월에 개업한 벨뷰의 치...
숙련된 의료진과 스태프들의 최고의 기술 ・ 서비스를 제공하여, 재미 일본인 여러분께 편안한 공간에서 안심하고 치료를 받으실 수 있습니다. 본원에서는 치과치료에 대한 불안감이나 두려움을 가지고 계신 분들을 위해 이산화질소 웃음가스 마취나 내복약을 통한 구강 세데이션도 옵션으로 제공하고 있습니다. 정기검진 ・ 클리닝 일반치과 ・ 소아치과 1DAY 크라운...
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워싱턴주에 거주하는 많은 일본인들이 언어와 문화의 장벽, 일본 가족이나 친구와의 이별, 생활 습관의 차이, 현지 직장이나 학교의 부적응, 좁은 일본 사회 내에서의 인간관계의 갈등 등 다양한 스트레스에 노출되어 있다. 낯선 해외에서의 생활은 결코 쉽지 않다. 스트레스는 만병의 근원이라는 말이 있듯이, 강한 스트레스는 자신도 모르는 사이에 다양한 몸과 마음의 ...
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1897년에 설립된 비영리 동물보호단체로 1년에 6,000마리 이상의 동물을 보호하고 있다. 자원봉사, 기부금, 수시로 접수하고 있습니다. ・ 동물보호 ・ 위탁보호 ・
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- 朗読を通して読書の喜びをお届けしています。
Voice Library in Japanese
Auburn Arts Header
*20 Auburn Avenue, Auburn, WA 98002
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:*
Wednesdays 12-4PM
Thursdays 12-6PM
Fridays 12-4PM
Special Hours on Wednesday, November 27: 12-2pm
*Postmark Hours Notice:*
Postmark Center for the Arts will be CLOSED these dates:
November 28 & 29; December 11, 25, 26 & 27; January 1
free community programming
*Poets at the Postmark [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=20009787 ]*
**Date: **Wednesday, December 4 | 6:30-8:30PM*
**All Ages | FREE**
Come to our monthly Postmark Poetry Nights! On the first Wednesday of each month Postmark will have a lineup of featured readers followed by opportunities for open mic readers.
*December's featured reader will be Jill McCabe Johnson!*
Poets at the Postmark
Former Auburn resident Jill McCabe Johnson is the author of three books and two chapbooks, and editor of three anthologies. Her most recent poetry collection, Tangled in Vow & Beseech (MoonPath, 2024), was named a finalist for the Sally Albiso and Wheelbarrow Books poetry prizes. Recent works have appeared in Slate, Fourth Genre, Waxwing, The Brooklyn Review, Gulf Stream, Brevity, and Diode. Jill is editor-in-chief of Wandering Aengus Press and its imprint, Trail to Table Press. She spends her free time writing, hiking, and in close observation of the natural world. Jill teaches Creative Writing at Skagit Valley College in the San Juan Islands. Visit her website at https://jillmccabejohnson.com. [ https://url.us.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/3JaDC31pJqsm71q4SgfrHQki6q?domain=jillmccabejohnson.com ]
Jill McCabe Johnson
Ted Vigil
*Postmark Second Saturdays [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=20072804 ]
**Saturday, December 14, 2024 | 12-4PM*
All Ages | FREE*
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."*
Postmark Center for the Arts is hosting *FREE*, all ages, arts, performance, and crafts! Every Second Saturday of the month from 12-4pm. *
*Free Winter Postmark Craft 12:00-4:00PM
*Create your own paper gingerbread house! Learn to fold an origami house, then draw and decorate it for create your own cozy winter wonderland.
*Ted Vigil Performance 2:00-2:45PM:* Step into the holidays with Ted Vigil! Vigil is a singer, songwriter and a tribute artist. He was born in Seattle and raised in the Olympia area. He has been performing from the age of ten throughout school in concert, symphonic and jazz bands developing his talents as a drummer and singer. Listen to his unique line up of holiday and winter classics!
Made possible by the Kiwanis Club of Auburn!
Kiwanis Club of Auburn
Classes & Workshops
Santa Parade Cookie, Cocoa, Craft
*Santa Parade Cookie, Cocoa, and Craft [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/9581?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]*
Get your craft on at Postmark Center for the Arts prior to Auburn’s Santa Parade & Tree Lighting festivities!
Alongside all the fun happening downtown on Saturday, December 7, Postmark will be offering two different holiday arts crafts accompanied by warm cocoa and delicious cookies. Register to drop in any time between 12:30-3:00 PM to make and take your crafts.
Each individual must register to craft and have a cookie and cocoa.
*Date: *Saturday, December 5 | 12:30-3PM*
Ages*: 5+
*Registration*: $5
*Instructor*: Postmark Staff
*"Register Now! [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/9581?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]"*
Postmark BRAVO heading
BRAVO Fall 2024
Lights on! Stage set! BRAVO Performing Arts is launching into the Fall season! The City of Auburn is excited to present an incredible lineup of music, comedy, theater, and kids’ programming as part of BRAVO Performing Arts. Check out the full schedule at auburnwa.gov/theater [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/theater ].
"*Upcoming performances:*"
* Sunday, December 8 | Red, White, and Blue Holiday Concert [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13193688&objectId.255257=20403743&contextId.255257=13193690&parentId.255257=13193691&localStartDate=2024-12-08T14:00&localEndDate=2024-12-08T14:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogEOk5VfhFoKUaY2%2bQAIX0D4%3d ] | Auburn PAC | 2:00PM
* Saturday, December 14 | Ted Vigil - A Rocky Mountain Christmas [ https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=241442 ] | GRC | 7:30PM
* Saturday, December 21 | An Inspirational Christmas with Elvis [ https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=241443 ] | GRC | 7:30PM
Drop ins header
Drop in Drawing
*Make & Mingle
**Every Wednesday, 10AM - 12PM
**Ages: *Suggested 18+ | FREE
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."
Stop by for our Artist Open Studio! Come join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on! This is a free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather. You can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art! All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Chinese Gongbi Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-in Painting with Amy Sie
**Every Friday, 10AM - 12PM
**Ages:* Suggested 18+ | FREE
*Instructor:* Amy Sie
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Drop in drawing
*Drop-in Drawing
****Every Friday, 10AM - 12PM
*****Ages: **Suggested 18+ | FREE*
"@"*" ""Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."
Come stop by for our new Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in. Draw from a still life or the gallery, stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes! Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Art Galleries Header
A Familiar Taste
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19727603&portalid=11470638 ]
**20 Auburn Ave"
Exhibition:* ."..A Familiar Taste"*
Exhibition dates:* Through January 15, 2025*
"…A Familiar Taste "highlights narratives from artists of color through the lens of food and cultural foodways. This exhibit presents a visual and literary feast evoking a diverse range of connections, emotions, and memories. It is an invitation to consider one’s own relationship to food and explore how different backgrounds and experiences inform our interaction with culinary traditions.
Josh Sands
*Vault Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19742280 ]
**20 Auburn Ave
*"Located within Postmark Center for the Arts"
*Josh Sands [ https://joshsands.com/ ]* [ https://www.amysimons.com/ ]
Exhibition Dates:* *Through January 5, 2025**
We are eager to host Josh Sands in the Vault Gallery as our new artist for October!
*Artist Statement:*
"This piece continues my series of temporary public installations that showcases glass in the form of raindrops. Here the ordinary experience of a downpour invites viewers in to the space to contemplate, observe, and feel the sensations and emotions of such an event, in a displaced setting.
The narrative of this installation alludes to the importance of arts education and the need to shelter and support art during challenging times. Through the stewardship of local cultural centers like the Postmark and the City of Auburn’s programming, arts education and exhibition can continue to be provided and protected." -Josh Sands
Lisa Turner
*Art on Main Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529278 ]*
*East Main St between N Division St and Auburn Ave
*"Windowfront viewable streetside 24/7"
**"Plastic Bodies 2 "by *Lisa Turner [ https://lisaturnerart.com/home.html ]
*Exhibition Dates: *Through January 5, 2025*
We are eager to announce the arrival of a new Art on Main artist, printmaker Lisa Turner!
*Artist Statement:*
“In the artwork "Plastic Bodies 2", consumer objects are juxtaposed with the visual language of medical illustrations to create an environment. In some cases, these elements act as landmarks, other times they morph together to create Frankenstein like figures. Ultimately, they invite multiple interpretations while drawing attention to the inherent conflicts and confluence between the natural and the synthetic.” -Lisa Turner
*Auburn Community and Event Center Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]
910 Ninth St. SE*
Artists:* Wendy Wahman | Barry Roitblat
*Exhibition Dates: *Through January 9, 2025*
We are eager to be featuring artists Wendy Wahman and Barry Roitblat at the Auburn Community Center Gallery!
Wendy Wahman
Wendy Wahman [ https://www.wendywahman.com/ ]’s “Wenderings,” are improvisational, meditative drawings. Unplanned, with usually nothing conscious in mind, they begin with a line and go from there. Volumes 1 and 2 of, “Wenderings: to Wander (or Color),” along with her books for children, are available on Amazon.
Barry Roitblat
Says Barry Roitblat [ https://artonpurpose.square.site/ ], "I am fascinated by the grand works of art created by 'Mother Nature' and enjoy turning nature’s art to a human purpose. I delight in the beauty revealed as an apparently non-descript piece of wood becomes a polished, functional art-piece. I have been turning for about 18 years and have had pieces on display at over a dozen galleries in Western Washington and nationally."
Cheryl Sallee Gallery Fall 2025
*Cheryl Sallee Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]
**Auburn Senior Center
808 Ninth St. SE*
*JoAnne Iwasaki Watercolors Group Exhibition*
Exhibition Dates: *Through January 8, 2025*
With works ranging in subjects such as landscape, wildlife or abstract textural compositions, this annual exhibition features the artistic talents of Jo Anne Iwasaki’s Senior Center student artists.
JoAnne Iwasaki is a talented teacher who has been sharing her love of painting with students in Auburn for over 14 years. This group student exhibition showcases the talents of JoAnne’s painting students working in watercolor media featuring a variety of techniques and subjects.
*2024-25 Downtown Sculpture Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529292 ]
Main Street, Auburn Downtown*
*On Display: *Through September 2025
The City of Auburn's Downtown Sculpture Gallery showcases outdoor sculptures of various sizes, types and mediums. Primarily located along Main Street, the sculpture gallery changes annually providing different artwork for Auburn residents to experience and enjoy.
Take a walk downtown or view the Downtown Sculpture Gallery webpage [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529292 ] to tour the newly installed sculptures!
"*Vote for your favorite sculpture to win the 2024 People's Choice Award through our online submission form! [ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8M5BY3Z ]*"
Downtown Sculpture Gallery
Arts Around Auburn Header
*Gingerbread Contest [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/workspaces/one.aspx?objectid=20529136&contextId=13102510 ]*
*FREE -* This fun event celebrates the holidays and brings the community together to see what Auburn can build!* 15* Gingerbread structures will be on display at the Auburn Community & Events Center.*"
* Voting will be open December 4 - 18, 2024
* Vote during Auburn Community & Events Center's normal business hours,
* Monday through Thursday, 7 AM - 8 PM
* Fridays, 7 AM - 7 PM
* Saturdays, 9 AM - 12 PM
* Hours may vary the week of December 16
* There are two categories to vote in, youth and adult.
Based on votes from the public, a winner will be announced on Thursday, December 19, 2024.
Questions? Contact Amanda Valdez <avaldez@auburnwa.gov> or call 253-931-3043.
*MakerSpace [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageId=12529856 ]
*Auburn Community and Event Center | 910 9th St SE, Auburn, WA 98002
Visit the Auburn MakerSpace for activities geared toward all ages!
*Adult Take & Make Kits*
Host your own craft party at home! Choose from 4 individual projects consisting of signs and a banner each month, or choose the entire package with 4 kits. Kits are available for pick up Mondays-Fridays 8 AM - 8 PM and Saturdays 9 AM - 4 PM. More information at the MakerSpace webpage. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageId=12529856 ]
WRVM Festival of Trees
*White River Valley Museum Exhibit
**Festival of Trees [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/exhibits-entry/2024/5/31/festival-of-trees-once-upon-a-time-november-20-2024-january-5-2025 ]
**White River Valley Museum, 918 H St SE*
Exhibition Dates:* November 20, 2024 - January 5, 2025*
The Museum transforms into a fairytale forest this winter. Beautiful trees decorated by our local business partners will fill the galleries with the spirit of the season.
Trees on display throughout the Museum’s permanent galleries.
Better Postmark Header [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19727603&portalid=11470638 ]
Postmark AIA Merit Award
Postmark Center for the Arts – AWARD Winning again! The City of Auburn and Johnston Architects received the 2024 AIA Washington Council Civic Design Merit Award in recognition of the City of Auburn’s Postmark Center for the Arts. The award celebrates design excellence in publicly funded projects located in Washington State. Award winning projects reflect the highest standards in sustainability, innovation, building performance and overall integration with the client and surrounding communities.
This is the third award for the Postmark Center for the Arts. Other awards include the Washington Recreation and Park Association Spotlight Award and the King County John D. Spellman Award for Achievement in Historic Preservation (Award for Excellence in Adaptive Reuse).
Downtown Auburn Plaza Plans
*We invite you to learn about the upcoming plans for Auburn Avenue Theater [ https://cdnsm5-hosted.civiclive.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_11470554/File/City%20Hall/Public%20Works/Capital%20Projects/Downtown%20Improvements/2024_DowntownPlans_Theater_Park_Utilities.pdf ] and the surrounding downtown area, and follow the progress of the downtown infrastructure, theater, and new park [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=20093495 ].
*20 Auburn Avenue, Auburn, WA 98002
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:*
Wednesdays 12-4PM
Thursdays 12-6PM
Fridays 12-4PM
Special Hours on Wednesday, November 27: 12-2pm
*Postmark Hours Notice:*
Postmark Center for the Arts will be CLOSED these dates:
November 28 & 29; December 11, 25, 26 & 27; January 1
Stay Connected!
Click the images below and follow us on our Facebook and Arts Instagram to keep up on announcements, events, and classes!
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Facebook logo [ https://www.facebook.com/auburnwa.arts ]
Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
253-931-3043 | www.auburnwa.gov/arts [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/arts ] [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/seniors ]
Auburn WA Logo [ http://www.auburnwa.gov ]
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