Community Bulletin - Burglary Suspect
- [등록자]City of Medina
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]メディナ, ワシントン州, アメリカ合衆国
- 등록일 : 2024/12/22
- 게재일 : 2024/12/22
- 변경일 : 2024/12/22
- 총열람수 : 15 명
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"*COMMUNITY E-lert*""*®*"
"Be safer together"
[ https://www.medina-wa.gov/police ]
DATE: December 22, 2024
TO: E-lert® Recipients
FROM: Jeffrey R. Sass, Chief of Police
SUBJECT: Community E-lert® - *Burglary Suspect*
Community E-lert® is a registered trademark of the City of Medina Police Department. This announcement is provided as a public service to residents of Medina and Hunts Point. It is our intention to distribute these E-lerts following an occurrence or condition that may have public safety or community well-being implications.
The Medina Police Department is currently investigating a burglary of a house under construction that occurred at approximately 4:15pm today in the 3200 block of 78th Place NE. The suspect was able to push open an unlocked door and gain access to the house. Here are photographs of the individual we are hoping to identify:
Suspect Photo 1
Suspect Photo 2
Suspect Photo 3
If you happened to see anything suspicious during this time or have any information that may assist us in our investigation, please report it to the Medina Police Department by calling 911. Please be vigilant and call 911 if you see this individual anywhere in our communities. Ensure that your vehicle doors are locked and your house alarm is armed if you are not at home.
So far, this appears to be an isolated incident and our saturation of the area with police cars and foot patrols appears to have dissuaded the suspect from staying in the area. Due to the proximity to the SR-520 trail and no vehicle that appears to be associated with the suspect, it appears as though he did not travel by vehicle. Officers will be conducting extra patrols of the neighborhoods and more secluded areas of the communities this evening and throughout the Christmas week coming up to further deter any would-be criminal activity.
Helpful tips to deter crime at your residence:
* Install lights by all exterior doors and illuminating the shoreline on your property if you live on the water
* Close the garage door and cover view windows so no one can see inside
* If you are able, install cameras on your property and place clearly-visible signs indicating the presence of audio/video recording devices
* If you have a video doorbell system and someone rings your doorbell while you are not home, try to answer the doorbell from your cell phone and inform them that you and several of your friends are preoccupied with a project inside your house and to come back later. That just may be enough to convince them that someone is home and deter them from following through with any criminal intentions.
* Don’t leave your garage door opener inside your vehicle when parking your vehicle in the driveway
* Always lock your doors & windows
* Keep valuables in a safety deposit box
* Do not leave checkbooks, cash or important financial information out in the open
When you are out of town and away from your home, the Medina Police Department offers the “Housewatch [ https://www.medina-wa.gov/police/webform/house-watch-program ]” program to residents. If you sign up for this service, police officers will regularly check on your home and look for anything out of place. To sign up for the program, go to the City of Medina website (www.medina-wa.gov [ http://www.medina-wa.gov/ ]), click on Departments, Police, and then “Housewatch Request Form”. While on vacation, place lights on timers, put mail on hold, always lock your doors and windows, and request that a trusted neighbor keep an eye on your home. If your home is equipped with an alarm system, activate it whenever you are away and also make sure it is monitored and audible.
*Vehicle Prowl Prevention Tips*
* Always _LOCK_ your car doors and activate your alarm if the vehicle is equipped with one.
* Do not leave valuables in your vehicle especially if they are visible from outside the vehicle.
* Secure your vehicles in your locked garage if you are able to.
*Suspicious Activity Reporting*
If you see something suspicious taking place, report what you are observing by calling 9-1-1. When you call be as descriptive as possible to describe the circumstances. Lastly, suspicious behavior or activity does not always indicate ill intent or crime, but your observations can make a difference by helping to deter, prevent, or respond to crime.
"Other great ways of staying connected to the Medina Police Department are our X [ https://twitter.com/MedinaPoliceWA ] and Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/medinawapolice/ ] pages."
"If you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please contact the Medina Police Department at (425) 233-6420. You may also reach us via email by contacting Chief Jeff Sass (jsass@medina-wa.gov) or Captain Austin Gidlof (agidlof@medina-wa.gov)."
" "
*Emergency: 911*
*Non-Emergency police matters: (425) 577-5656*
*Medina Police Department*
*501 Evergreen Point Road*
*Medina, WA 98039*
*(425) 233-6420*
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