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Bellevue 2044 Update - March Meetings & Engagement Report

Have your voice heard on housing, climate, human services, and more.

Illustration of Bellevue cityscape
Bellevue 2044: Comprehensive Plan Update March Happenings

*Key Policy Moves Engagement Report is Out*

During January and February, the planning team shared draft policy moves for each element with the public and invited comment. Community members were able to attend an in-person open house and provide comment online. Additional outreach was conducted to get youth opinions and engage with diverse communities.

People can learn more and read a summary of what was said in the Key Policy Moves Engagement Report [ ].

*Boards and Commissions Meetings*

The review of different elements (fancy word for chapters) of the Comprehensive Plan is well underway. The Planning Commission and other boards and commissions are considering staff recommendations and community input as they make suggestions for policy refinements before the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan is released later this year.

Community members are encouraged to come to the following upcoming meetings to learn more and share their feedback directly with decision makers. 

This month the *Planning Commission* will be reviewing policy updates to the Land Use Element and reviewing the proposed Future Land Use Map. They will also be looking at proposed changes to Wilburton and BelRed policies and maps. 

* *Wednesday, March 13: *Climate & Environment, Neighborhoods and Parks
* *Wednesday, March 27: *Housing, Human Services and Urban Design & the Arts

Meetings begin at 6:30 pm and are held in-person at City Hall or virtually on Zoom. Community members are encouraged to provide comments during the meeting or to submit comments to For more information, visit the Planning Commission website [ ].

The *Transportation Commission* will be meeting on *Thursday, March 14* to finalize their recommendation on the Transportatoin element. That meeting begins at 6:30 pm. More information can be found at the Transportation Commission [ ] website. 

Remember, Bellevue plans for people and we can't plan without *you*. The planning team looks forward to hearing from you and seeing you at upcoming meetings.
Project Logo - Bellevue Comprehensive Plan Building a Livable City for All

Bellevue's Comprehensive Plan outlines a vision for the future and sets policy direction to get there. It's used by the City Council, Boards & Commissions, and staff to make decisions around housing, transportation, parks, economic opportunities, and more. To learn more and sign-up for updates, visit [ ].


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  • Posted : 2024/03/07
  • Published : 2024/03/07
  • Changed : 2024/03/07
  • Total View : 193 persons
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