Seattle Responder - December 2024 Edition
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]Seattle Fire Department
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Seattle, WA
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/12/04
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/12/04
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/12/04
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 19 คน
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Seattle Fire Department logo
2024 portrait of Seattle Fire Chief Harold Scoggins
A message from the Fire Chief
As communities in our region continue to recover from the Nov. 19 bomb cyclone event, we are given a stark reminder that winter weather is upon us. We extend our deep gratitude to our local utility companies and transportation departments who have worked around the clock to restore power and mitigate downed trees and lines. Seattle Fire saw an increase in call volume on the evening of Nov. 19 and in the days following, with an uptick in responses to elevator rescues, toppled trees, downed wires, carbon monoxide alarms and more.
Remember to take safety seriously when the power goes out – ensure you are using generators correctly, properly heating your home, have working carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, and heed warnings from local officials for road closures.
On a happier note, Seattle Fire is collecting gift items as part of our annual Toys for Tots drive. Please bring new and unwrapped toys from 1-3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7 to any of these six fire stations: Fire Station 18 (Ballard), Fire Station 21 (Greenwood), Fire Station 29 (West Seattle), Fire Station 38 (Hawthorne Hills), Fire Station 41 (Magnolia) and Fire Station 8 (Queen Anne).
An additional holiday opportunity awaits you: Enchant Christmas in Seattle is back at T-Mobile Park with the world’s largest Christmas Light Maze through Dec. 29. As a show of a appreciation for the SFD, Enchant is offering a special ticket offer that also supports the Seattle Fire Foundation. You’ll receive a 10% discount on general admission and our foundation will receive a 10% donation on the following dates: Dec. 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19. Purchase via this link [ https://bit.ly/4fzYWxz?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and enter SFD10 to receive the discount.
On Dec. 3 we welcomed 13 recruits from Recruit Class 121 to our Operations Division where they will serve the city as probationary firefighters and learn from more experienced members over the next year. In mid-November, this recruit class participated in live-fire training to hone in on their firefighting skills in a controlled setting – thank you to the Broadview neighborhood for supporting our work. We wish each of them well on their journey to becoming full-fledged firefighter/EMTs.
I hope each of you have a happy holiday season and spend quality time with loved ones.
Stay safe,
"*Harold D. Scoggins, Fire Chief*"
Significant incidents
Firefighters put water on a fire in a commercial building in the 5200 block of 35th Avenue Southwest
*Nov. 11: Commercial building fire in the 5200 block of 35th Ave. SW [ https://fireline.seattle.gov/2024/11/12/firefighters-battle-overnight-fire-in-west-seattle-building/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Firefighters worked through the evening to extinguish a fire in a commercial building in the West Seattle. Investigators ruled the fire was intentionally set and shared their findings with Seattle Police.
Firefighters extricate a driver trapped in their vehicle after a tree fell on it.
*Nov. 19: Rescue extrication near NE 100th St. and 35th Ave. NE [ https://www.facebook.com/SeattleFire/posts/997185242452057?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Crews worked quickly during a windstorm to safely extricate an adult male who was trapped in their vehicle after a tree fell on it. The patient sustained minor injuries and was able to walk away from the incident.
In the community
123 attend the King County Diversity and Recruitment Workshop
Redmond Fire Chief Adrian Sheppard talking to 123 attendees of the King County Diversity and Recruitment Workshop
On Nov. 16, the King County Fire Chiefs Association held its seventh Diversity and Recruitment Workshop in Redmond’s Senior and Community Center. The Redmond Fire Department hosted 123 attendees seeking a career in fire and EMS. The workshop was a great opportunity for attendees to network with Seattle Fire personnel and gain insight on the written test, oral board interview, psychological background check as well as the fitness required for recruit school. The next workshop will be held in spring.
Fire Connect in-person
Firefighter talks with people interested in the career at Fire Station 28 in Columbia City.
On Nov. 23, Seattle Fire hosted an in-person Fire Connect workshop at Station 28 to network with prospective candidates and their answer questions about the hiring process or about the daily life of a firefighter. This took place ahead of Seattle Fire's application window closing on Nov. 29, 2024.
Position spotlight: education and outreach advisor
Portrait of Public Educators Carrie Brazil and William Mace
SFD’s public education team is a vital part of the Public Affairs Division, dedicated to bringing essential fire and life safety education to all communities. With a special focus on those most vulnerable — older adults, children, immigrants and refugees, and individuals with disabilities — the team uses a community-centered, equity-informed approach to ensure everyone has access to fire and life safety resources. Their work is about empowering communities to prevent fires and stay safe.
Enchant special ticket offer
Graphic of the Enchant Christmas maze light show
Enchant Seattle, the largest Christmas maze light show, has created a special ticket offer that supports Seattle’s firefighters!
Held at T-Mobile between Nov. 22 and Dec. 29, this holiday experience features a magical journey to find the missing pieces of Santa’s Magical Timepiece – essential to Santa’s Christmas Eve mission.
By using code SFD10 at this special link [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Ftickets.enchantchristmas.com%2Fpromo%3Fcode=SFD10%26hide-code=false%26location=e0c51f41-35f0-f7f0-1251-160866b74fe0%26logo=fire%26subtitle=ENCHANT%2B%2526%2BSEATTLE%2BFIRE%2BPARTNER%2BUP%2BTO%2BSAVE%2BYOU%2BMONEY%2B%2526%2BRAISE%2BFUNDS%2BFOR%2BCHARITY.%2BUse%2Bcode%2BSFD10%2Bat%2Bcheckout%2Bto%2Breceive%2B10%2525%2Boff%2Byour%2Bpurchase%2Bof%2Bany%2BGeneral%2BAdmission%2BEnchant%2Btickets%2Bon%2Bthe%2Bfollowing%2Bdates%252C%2Band%2BEnchant%2Bwill%2Bdonate%2Ban%2Badditional%2B10%2525%2Bfrom%2Beach%2Bticket%2Bpurchase%2Bto%2Bthe%2BSeattle%2BFire%2BFoundation%2521%2B%2B%26title=Seattle%2BFire%26utm_campaign=promo_code_url%26utm_medium=email%26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01000192ea69c1df-5d7a2870-196f-42be-ba15-b8d043f20329-000000/3_gBON_SWJwi1QutQLcuSUFYovBg2a4-sHce_rhnh5Q=377 ] and on the dates listed below - you’ll receive a 10% discount on a general admission ticket and the Seattle Fire Foundation will also a 10% donation.
* December 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11*, 12, 17, 18, 19
*Dec. 11 is First Responder Night!
Keeping you safe
Holiday fire safety tips
Graphic featuring holiday fire safety tips [ https://youtu.be/IIzb-f2geEI?si=MGNm_4-xS_PEYzn4&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Seattle Fire partnered the King County Fire Chiefs Association to publish timely safety messages for the winter holidays. Thank you to the Seattle Channel for producing the video [ https://youtu.be/IIzb-f2geEI?si=MGNm_4-xS_PEYzn4&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Graphic promoting Toys for Tots event on December seventh
We are collecting toys, games, books and other gifts on Saturday, Dec. 7. Please bring new, unwrapped gift items on to any of these six Seattle fire stations between 1 and 3 p.m.:
* Ballard - Fire Station 18 (1521 NW Market St.)
* Greenwood - Fire Station 21 (7304 Greenwood Ave. N.)
* Hawthorne Hills - Fire Station 38 (4004 NE 55th St.)
* Magnolia - Fire Station 41 (2416 34th Ave W.)
* Queen Anne - Fire Station 8 (110 Lee St.)
* West Seattle - Fire Station 29 (2130 Ferry Ave. SW)
Seattle firefighters will be there to say "hi" as they hand out candy canes and collect items. You can also take a photo in front of one of our fire apparatus!
Tips for toys ??????
* Please consider items for infants and teens. Both age groups are often overlooked during toy drives. Items could include books, games, make up, body/skin care, developmental toys.
* All items should be new and unwrapped.
* Unfortunately, we cannot accept clothing.
If you can’t make it on Dec. 7, there are several other ways to contribute to neighbors in need. Please consider these options:
* Please check link below for other Seattle-area Toys for Tots drop-off locations [ https://fort-lewis-wa.toysfortots.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], many of whom will accept gift items until Dec. 16
* Make an online donation to Toys for Tots
* Add some extra groceries to your shopping basket and drop off at collection bins or your local food bank
Thank you for joining the Seattle Fire Department and U.S. Marine Corps Reserves in making these holidays a bit brighter in our community.
*Seattle Fire Department*
301 2nd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-386-1400*
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