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2024 Medina Comprehensive Plan Update


Notice to Medina Residents,

After numerous public meetings before the Planning Commission and the City Council, the draft Comprehensive Plan Elements of the Periodic Update of the Medina Comprehensive Plan, 2024, were approved to go to the various regional and state agencies for review in late May 2024. Once these agencies have commented the elements will return for review in public meetings before the Council and Planning Commission in September 2024. A public hearing on the entire Comp Plan is tentatively scheduled for September 23, 2024, with final adoption proposed for October 14, 2024. 

As part of this phase of the Comp Plan review process, the City has done the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) Checklist process and issued a Threshold Determination. Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of a proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization, or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proposal. 

The proposal is a non-project action that applies city-wide (4.8 square miles). The City of Medina proposes to update its Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Growth Management Act (GMA) Periodic Update requirements. The proposal would amend portions of the Medina Municipal Code (MMC) Title 16 to implement and align with amendments made in the Comprehensive Plan update. The proposal would ensure city policy and regulatory consistency and ensure GMA Periodic Update consistency (Revised Code of Washington [RCW] 36.70A). 

The lead agency (the City of Medina) for this non-project action has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Therefore, a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) has been issued. The public is welcome to comment on this Threshold Determination per the instructions of the attached DNS. Comments should be submitted by email to Jonathan Kesler, AICP, Planning Manager, at jkesler@medina-wa.gov or brought by or mailed to Mr. Kesler’s attention at the address above. *All comments should be received by Monday, July 8, 2024, at 4:00 pm.** *

In addition to the DNS [ https://www.medina-wa.gov/sites/default/files/fileattachments/restricted_updates/page/17572/sepa_non-proj_dns_comp_plan_update.pdf ], the complete SEPA Environmental Checklist [ https://www.medina-wa.gov/sites/default/files/fileattachments/restricted_updates/page/17572/jk_signed_sepa_ck_list_2024_comp_plan_update.pdf ] and all the proposed Comprehensive Plan Elements [ https://www.medina-wa.gov/sites/default/files/fileattachments/restricted_updates/page/17572/elements_and_definitions_comp_plan_update_2024.pdf ] are currently under review with regional and state government agencies. 

Thank you,

Jonanthan Kessler, AICP
Planning Manager
City of Medina

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City of Medina
501 Evergreen Point Road
PO Box 144
Medina, WA 98039
(425) 233-6400 phone
(425) 451-8197 fax
www.medina-wa.gov [ http://www.medina-wa.gov ]




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  • 등록일 : 2024/06/14
  • 게재일 : 2024/06/14
  • 변경일 : 2024/06/14
  • 총열람수 : 73 명
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