General election results, Official office portrait artist announced
- [注册人]State of Washington
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Olympia, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/08
- 发布日 : 2024/11/08
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/08
- 总浏览次数 : 75 人
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General election results take shape
The national general election took place Tuesday and its results are becoming [ ] clear. In contrast to a national Republican swing, Washington state Democrats earned nearly every statewide executive office on the ballot and gained additional seats within the state Legislature. Several ballot measures intent to overturn significant progressive state policies also failed at the ballot box.
“Last night, Washingtonians sent an unequivocal message that they want action on pollution and climate change. Washingtonians also made clear they want to preserve the equity of our tax system with the capital gains tax on the super wealthy. When they or a loved one need long-term care, they want the WA Cares Act to be there for them,” said Gov. Jay Inslee in a statement [ ].
Bob Ferguson will serve as the next governor of Washington state, and Nick Brown will be its next attorney general. Dave Upthegrove will be the next commissioner of public lands, and Patty Kuderer will become the next state insurance commissioner. Incumbents Lt. Gov. Denny Heck, Secretary of State Steve Hobbs, Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal, State Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti, and State Auditor Pat McCarthy each will continue in their roles.
Donald Trump will return to the White House, and state Democratic leaders have encouraged Washingtonians that their state government is braced to defend against any federal incursions of the rights they’ve voted to protect over the years.
Photo of Gov. Inslee at podium
Gov. Jay Inslee held a press conference Wednesday to discuss election results and reassure Washingtonians concerned about federal overreach during another Trump presidency.
"We are well positioned to defend Washingtonians from the egregious conduct of this new president,” said Inslee during a Wednesday media availability. “We have the personnel in place, we have the statutes in place, and I’m confident we will do as much as humanly possible to protect Washingtonians going forward," said Inslee during a media availability [ ] on Wednesday.
Over Inslee’s three terms as governor, Washington state has experienced robust economic growth and adopted nation-leading policies to protect immigrants, choice, and climate action. The state’s shield laws and data safeguards will prevent other states and the federal government from prosecuting Washington doctors and patients for reproductive care and from accessing their health data. The state’s Climate Commitment Act will continue the state’s progress on building a clean economy and lowering emissions. And state law prohibits state agency cooperation with federal family separation and deportation programs.
Governor-elect and Attorney General Bob Ferguson held a press conference [ ] Thursday morning to describe his new administration’s preparedness.
“I want Washingtonians to know that the attorney general’s office has been preparing for some time and feel prepared to defend their freedoms and their rights,” said Ferguson.
Dark blue graphic with white text Washington leaders have acted to protect Washingtonians from federal efforts to roll back rights and block progress
Artist Grace Flott selected to create Inslee portrait
Following a competitive nationwide search conducted by ArtsWA, Gov. Jay Inslee and First Spouse Trudi Inslee have selected artist Grace Flott [ ] to create the governor’s official portrait.
Flott is a Spokane-raised and Seattle-based painter and educator. After a fire-related injury disrupted her life and studies, she found a new purpose in using her art to foster belonging and safety to people with similar experiences. Her ‘New Icons’ series features life-size oil portraits of people with burn injuries, and she conducts workshops for burn survivors to help them create art from their scars.
Flott’s art, which also includes commissioned portraits and landscapes, combines realism with Italian Renaissance iconography and surrealistic narratives.
*Read the full story on Gov. Jay Inslee's Medium page. [ ]
News you might have missed:
Boeing and Machinists settle upon contract, ending prolonged strike
A 53-day strike concluded Monday night after machinist union members voted to approve a new contract [ ] from Boeing. The 33,000 represented machinists are to receive a 38% pay raise over the next four years.
"Tonight's vote by the machinists puts Boeing's future back on more solid footing. Washington is home to the world's most skilled aerospace workers and they understandably took a stand for the respect and compensation they deserve. Congratulations to IAM District 751 and Boeing on reaching an agreement,” said Gov. Jay Inslee in a statement [ ].
Inslee orders flags to half-staff to honor naval pilots killed in October crash
U.S. Navy aviators Lt. Serena Wileman and Lt. Cmdr. Lyndsay Evans died on Oct. 15 when their EA-18G Growler crashed near Mount Rainier. Gov. Jay Inslee ordered flags to half-staff [ ] statewide on Thursday, Nov. 7, in their honor.
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