April 2024 E-news | Earth Day Celebration | Human Services Workshop | Middle Housing | Kenmore Quad
- [登録者]City of Kenmore
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Kenmore, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/04/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/04/25
- 変更日 : 2024/04/25
- 総閲覧数 : 110 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 新学期于2月4日开始 ! ・ 请注意 : 在西雅图没有学校 SAPIX USA ...
SAPIX 美国很高兴地宣布在圣何塞增设一所新学校。 随着圣何塞学校的开学,学生现在不仅可以在纽约、新泽西或曼哈顿上课,还可以在圣何塞学校在线上课。 学生可以在圣何塞上课,而不必担心时差问题 ! 我们还可以为校外学生的家庭提供有关学校事务的建议和在日本的学习辅导。 如果您想在日本上学,我们可以帮助您。 请注意 : 我们在西雅图地区没有校舍。我们在圣何塞学校和其他地方提供在线课程。 电话...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
+1 (206) 737-8871Sang Injury Law Firm
- 为您的未来计划高枕无忧 ・ 我们可以帮您找到令您满意的抵押贷款。买房时,您应首先...
买房时,首先要联系贷款公司。大多数人在买房时会先联系房地产经纪人。然后,他们会问您是否有 "预批准函"。在美国,购买房地产时,买方向卖方发出要约)时,会在要约(中附上预批准函,其中买方向卖方提出期望的购买价格和其他条件。这证明买方 "已向贷款公司咨询,并有能力贷款"。 这是因为卖方已经决定接受买方提出的购买要价和其他条件(,我们的要约已经被接受),但 "我们去银行咨询过,贷款没有批下来 "就会浪费...
+1 (206) 679-3371Groves Capital, Inc. (Mitsuko Miller)
- 请来访问我们
(206) 386-4300Seattle Aquarium
- 加入我们,保护和分享日本和日裔的文化、传统和历史。 我们提供各种活动和课程!。
+1 (206) 568-7114Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington (JCCCW)
- 举办各种活动,宣传日本文化 ! 华大的日本留学生和对日本感兴趣的人请随时与我们联...
华盛顿大学日本学生会 (JSA ) 是华盛顿大学的一个日本学生组织,成立于 20 世纪 90 年代初,是一个校园俱乐部。我们组织各种活动,通过活动向非日本学生介绍日本文化,并让大家度过一段美好时光 ★ 请随时加入我们 !。
- ! 如果您要移居海外,请交给日津 ! 请随时用日语与我们联系。
・"从美国到日本的海外搬家服务",日通以其良好的业绩为您提供方便。 有关个人或家庭搬家的咨询,请用日语与我们联系。
+1 (206) 892-8103NIPPON EXPRESS U.S.A., INC. / Sea Tac / Seattle Branch
- <安心的日语服务 >贝尔优牙科诊所于2021年11月开业。我们将为居住在美国的日...
我们经验丰富的医疗团队和工作人员提供最好的技术・服务,在美国的日本居民可以在轻松的氛围中接受安全舒适的治疗。我们还为那些对牙科治疗感到焦虑或恐惧的人提供可选的二氧化氮笑气麻醉和口服镇静剂。 常规检查 ・ 清洁 普通牙科 ・ 儿童牙科 1 天牙冠 牙科美容 正畸 儿童正畸 种植治疗
+1 (425) 974-8161Bellevue Premier Dental
- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还在网上积极开展活动,并向居住在纽约以外的人开放。 我们致力于通过与健康相关的计划满足您的需求,诚邀...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 汽车保险、医疗保险 ・ 海外旅行保险、人寿保险、工伤保险、店铺保险等。
我们为个人和企业办理各种类型的保险。保险非常重要,可以为任何可能发生的情况做好准备。在大和保险,我们了解您的需求,可以帮助您从多家保险公司中找到最适合您的计划。另请参阅我们的网站 ! 汽车保险 医疗保险 ・ 海外旅行保险 人寿保险 工伤保险 商店保险
+1 (310) 540-8595Daiwa Insurance Marketing, Inc.
- 美国会计师事务所。我们为公司和个人在美国的报税和公司注册提供支持。报税 $ 10...
日本和美国之间的税收支持 ! 迅速的程序和善后处理 ! 日语 ・ 英语任一。
+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services / Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
- 利用在线视频通话进行远程医疗,为居住在包括西雅图地区在内的华盛顿州各地的人们提供...
许多居住在华盛顿州的日本人面临着各种压力,包括语言和文化障碍、与日本家人和朋友的分离、生活方式的差异、对当地工作场所和学校的不适应,以及日本小社区内的人际冲突。在一个陌生的外国生活绝非易事。据说压力是百病之源,高度的压力会在不知不觉中引发各种身心疾病。 你是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、疲倦、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、压力、易怒、...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 我们通过阅读给你带来阅读的快乐。
Voice Library in Japanese
- 非营利性动物福利组织。我们致力于成为人与动物之间的桥梁 ! 动物收容、寄养、提供...
这个非营利性动物福利组织成立于 1897 年,每年救助 6000 多只动物。随时欢迎志愿者和捐赠。 ・ 动物福利 ・ 寄养 ・ 提供收容所 ・ 食物银行 ・ 养狗和训练
+1 (425) 641-0080Seattle Humane Society
April e-news banner [ ]earth day 2024 [ ]
Join Kenmore's Earth Day Celebration
Join us for an Earth Day Celebration Event tomorrow at Rhododendron Park from 11am – 2pm. There will be fun educational and interactive activities for all ages! Guests are encouraged to walk, bike, carpool, or ride the shuttle to this event. Shuttle service is available from the Kenmore Park & Ride on a continuous loop to the park. Find more event details here [ ]. We hope to see you there!
Also, the Kenmore Community Rowing Club is hosting their first community Sammamish Slough clean-up day on Saturday, April 27th from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. Bring your own gear and a snack or drink to share. To participate, meet at the boathouse at noon.
*Learn More* [ ]
kenmore welcomes you [ ]
Hop On Board – This Caravan is Moving!
*"We’re picking up speed. Big things are happening.
"*A few weeks ago, City Manager Rob Karlinsey sent out a “Hot Topics Coming Your Way” article and asked you to “hop in and buckle up.” What a difference a few weeks can make. Under the direction of the City Council, things are moving forward. Here’s an update to each of those hot topics. [ ] We hope you’re still buckled in; if not, it’s not too late to hop on board. Here’s the summary list of the hot topics:
"1. Affordable Housing"
"2. Imagine Housing/Habitat for Humanity affordable housing proposal on 181st Street "
"3. Human Services Needs Assessment"
"4. “The Docket”: State-mandated middle housing regulations, amendments to several elements of the comprehensive plan, cottage housing regulations, more tree protection regulations, and more."
"5. Love Where You Live Community Engagement Project"
"6. Lakepointe"
"7. Downtown"
"8. Financial Sustainability Plan"
"9. 2025-2026 Two-Year Budget"
"10. Capital Projects"
"11. Public Works Operations Center"
"12. Climate Action Plan"
"13. DEIA Strategic Plan and Five-Year Roadmap"
*Read the Full Update* [ ]
HHS workshop [ ]
Human Services Workshop May 6
You are invited to an in-person workshop [ ] to review and discuss the draft guiding principals, key themes and human services grant funding priorities created as a part of the City of Kenmore’s Human Services Needs Assessment.
*Kenmore Human Services – Needs Assessment Workshop
**Date: Monday, May 6, 2024
**Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
**Location: Kenmore City Hall, Community Room*
This event is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, priorities, and questions about Kenmore’s Human Services Needs Assessment directly with city staff. During this workshop you can expect a short presentation, activities and time for questions throughout the event. The key elements of the needs assessment to be discussed are the draft guiding principles, key findings and human services grant funding priorities.
The goal of this workshop is to gather input from the community and collect comments that will help City staff shape the final Human Services Needs Assessment.
*Learn More* [ ]
Kenmore Scores Millions for Sidewalks and Climate Technology
Kenmore secured more sidewalk funding during the recent state legislative session. The state legislature awarded the City of Kenmore $3.1 million for new 84th Avenue sidewalks at Moorlands Elementary. This is in addition to the other pedestrian and bicycle grants the City was awarded in 2023/2024 for 80th Avenue NE, NE 192nd Street, Arrowhead Drive, and NE 170th Street. "In total that’s $8.27 million awarded for these projects! "
In addition, our two state representatives and state senator secured $464,000 for geothermal heating technology for the City’s future new public works operations center next to Kenmore Middle School. This technology will significantly reduce the building’s carbon emissions and bring the entire facility closer to net carbon zero. "We are grateful to our state legislative delegation, Representative Duerr, Representative Kloba, and Senator Stanford, for securing this funding for Kenmore!"
solarize kenmore [ ]
Curious about Solar Panels?
The City of Kenmore has launched Solarize Kenmore! This program simplifies the purchasing and installation process and ensures you’ll get discounted prices, vetted local installers, and quality made-in-Washington equipment. Sign up for a free site assessment by July 4 at **. [ ]
*Learn More* [ ]
middle housing [ ]
Middle Housing Updates and Engagement On the Way
Throughout 2024, the Community Development Department, along with the City’s consultant (Kimley-Horn), will be working with the Planning Commission and City Council to update Comprehensive Plan Housing Element and Land Use Element policies and develop new middle housing regulations to comply with House Bill (HB) 1110 passed in 2023. State law requires that the Comprehensive Plan policies be adopted by December 31 of this year, and regulations shall be adopted by June 2025.
There will be opportunities for community engagement at the Kenmore Farmers Market on June 5, July 17 and August 7. Opportunity for public comment will be available at upcoming Planning Commission and City Council meetings (dates TBD). The City’s Framing the Future of Housing webpage [ ] will also be updated with project information as drafts are developed and there will be an opportunity to give comment with an upcoming community survey.
For more information on the Middle Housing project, please contact Todd Hall (
*Learn More* [ ]
*Right of Way and Permitting Reminders*
Property owners are responsible for maintaining trees, bushes, and other vegetation on their property and in the right of way adjacent to their property. This includes keeping vegetation clear of the traveled way such as sidewalks as well as keeping ditches free of debris and blockages. For more detailed information about this requirement, you can read the Kenmore Code here [!/Kenmore12/Kenmore12.html ]
Also, please remember to check permitting requirements prior to starting any work. You can check the City’s permitting requirements here [ ]. *"Thank you!"*
protect our pollinators [ ]
Discover the Benefits of Rain Gardens
Spring is here – get your gardening gloves ready! Rain gardens are a great addition to yards or in place of lawns this spring. Rain gardens that utilize native plants help reduce water runoff and flooding and provide habitat for pollinators – a win-win!
You can learn more about how rain gardens work and find resources for making your own garden at [ ].
*Learn More * [ ]
Now Hiring [ ]
Now Hiring! Employment Opportunities with the City of Kenmore
The City of Kenmore is currently hiring for multiple positions! Check out our current job opportunities in the Public Works department. Please share these opportunities or consider applying. Join a great team that's working to make Kenmore a place where everyone loves where they live.
*See Jobs* [ ]
Kenmore Quad [ ]
The Kenmore Quad Returns August 24
You're invited to join the 2nd annual Kenmore Quad [ ] event on August 24, 2024! Registration is now live. This unique event takes the traditional triathlon to the next level with an added paddling component (kayak or SUP). Take on this challenge solo or enlist a group of friends (up to 4 participants in a relay) for 1/4 mile swim, 6 mile bike, 1.6 mile run and 1.3 mile paddle. This event is not timed so just relax and have fun in this non-competitive community activity. All participants will be entered into a drawing for great prizes.
*Learn More and Register Now* [ ]
find a ride [ ]
*Find a Ride Transportation Services*
Hopelink Mobility Management and the King County Mobility Coalition have collaborated to create “Find a Ride” [ ], a "one-call/one-click" system that connects community members to the transportation services through a centralized trip planning and ride-requesting service. Check out the Find a Ride Trip Planner [ ] to learn more.
2024 Special Events Calendar
2024 Special Events Calendar [ ]
Meetings and Events Calendar
* *April 27 | Earth Day Celebration Event | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. [ ]*
* *April 27 | Nature Walks at Wallace Swamp Creek Park | 9 a.m. [ ]*
* *April 27 & 28 | City Council Retreat (offsite) [ ]*
* **April 28 | ***Adopt-A-Park Work Party at Wallace Swamp Creek Park | 11 a.m. [ ]*
* *May 6 | Coffee with Council | 7:30 a.m. [ ]*
* *May 6 | Human Services Community Workshop | 6 p.m. [ ]*
* *May 6 | City Council Meeting | 7:15 p.m. [ ]*
* *May 7 | Planning Commission Meeting | 7 p.m. [ ]*
* *May 11 | Residential Recycling Event | 9 a.m. [ ]*
* *May 11 | *** ***Adopt-A-Park Work Party at Wallace Swamp Creek Park | 11 a.m. [ ]*
**Visit the City calendar to see more events here [ ].**
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