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Mayor's Update
April 19, 2024
Earth Day
earth day
Happy Friday, Kent!
Grab your friends, and neighbors and join our Kent Parks staff to participate in the world's largest environmental conservation event: Earth Day!
Tomorrow, we'll be removing invasive blackberry bushes from the forest understory at Clark Lake Park, as well as planting native shrubs!
?? April 20
⌚ 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
?? Clark Lake Park
?? Martin Sortun Elementary School, 12711 SE 248th ST
Come show some love to our little corner of this big, beautiful planet.
Volunteering at our Parks conservation events is a great way to get involved and give back to our Kent community. If you want to participate, you can register on-site.
As always, I hope you enjoy this week's update, find it informative, and have a fantastic, and hopefully sunny, weekend!
Dana Ralph, Kent Mayor
Last Saturday I attended the 2024 Vaisakhi Celebration at Khalsa Gurmat Center with Councilmember Troutner, Auburn Mayor Nancy Backus, and Auburn Councilmember Taylor.
We had the best student ambassador show us around and answer all of our questions! I am always grateful for the invitation to be a part of this beautiful celebration.
Yesterday I was reminded of how wise and compassionate our students are. Kiwanis Club of Kent hosted our 52nd Annual Essay Contest for middle school students. The essays were so insightful and thought provoking!
Thank you to the students for participating, the KSD educators who support them, and Kiwanis Club of Kent for this wonderful tradition.
Girl Scouts Visit
Earlier this week, Troop 40346 paid us a visit here at city hall! A few of their Daisies, Brownies, and Senior Girl Scouts came to ask questions on how the government works, what its like to be mayor, and how they can get involved!
They were able to share about their projects, explore the dais, and learn how a council meeting works.
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to attend the grand opening of Glover Empower Mentoring Program's new space! They're a Kent-based non-profit providing important services to Kent youth, and I appreciate all that they do. Thank you for inviting Assistant Chief Kasner and I to join in the celebration!
Congratulations to all the recent graduates of our Spring Class of Kent 101! These residents attended weekly meetings over eight weeks and heard from city staff as they learned all about how their local government works.
This is a great program and I am already looking forward to the program kicking off again later this year.
scouts lifesaving award
During this week's council meeting I had the honor of presenting Logan Lewis, a scout from Troop 407, with a Life Saving Award for his actions in March. Logan administered the Heimlich Maneuver and saved a classmate's life. He represents the values and skills of Scouting BSA and I want to congratulate him on a job well done and his quick thinking, which saved a life.
I also wanted to congratulate Councilmember Bill Boyce, who was awarded a shadowbox for his long-time service of 12 years on the RFA Governance Board. Fire Chief Brian Carson and Deputy Chief Aaron Tyerman from Puget Sound Fire presented the award.
With Volunteer Appreciation Week just around the corner, I want to thank all the incredible volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to help with city programs and events! Our dedication to local community clean-up and conservation events, for example, wouldn't be possible without them.
I want to wish a Happy Passover to all in our community who will celebrating early next week!
Space for All: Free STEM Event!
space for all
In partnership with the Kent Community Foundation and the Kent School District, we're thrilled to invite you to our exhilarating Space for All Weekend!
The weekend begins on National Space Day with a free movie showing of ‘A Million Miles Away’ an incredible true story based on the life of retired NASA Astronaut Jose M. Hernandez.
The amazing weekend doesn’t end there. Get ready to launch into a universe where science, technology, engineering, and mathematics come alive.
Our Space for All STEM Festival is a celebration of diversity and inclusion that’s set to ignite minds and inspire dreams across our community.
I'm so excited to have Jose talk about his journey traveling to space and show us the importance of representation in all fields. We hope you will join us for this super exciting weekend!
blue origin
Join Blue Origin for the Annual Run for the Benefit of Earth tomorrow. They will be hosting 10K, 5K, and 1 Mile races for all employees, family members, and the general public.
Kent Downtown Partnership will provide drinks and snacks during the post-run celebration.
Blue Origin will send out the participant e-mail with all event details. *Sign up here! [ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8MRTLK9?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Kent City Council
Here's the recap on what the Kent City Council has been working on!
*You can also see the full meeting agendas, minutes and livestream recordings on our website. [ https://kentwa.iqm2.com/citizens/default.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Drinks in the Driveway
Drinks in the Driveway
It's your last chance to sign up for Spring and Summer Drinks in the Driveway visits!
Chief Padilla, Public Works Director Chad Bieren and I visit local neighborhoods and councils to discuss issues they are facing and keeping our community safe. We bring the soft drinks; you bring the conversation.
*If you would like to reserve one of the dates, sign up here! [ https://www.kentwa.gov/guides/neighborhood-program/drinks-in-the-driveway?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#!/ ]*
It's that time! The Friends of the Kent Libraries are holding their annual book sale.
You can purchase used books, DVDs and CDs from Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's, and Young Adult, Cookbooks, and more.
All proceeds support library programs and events at the Kent and Kent Panther Lake Libraries.
?? Saturday, April 27
?? 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
??Kent Library (212 2nd Avenue N)
book sale
Healthy Kids Day at Kent YMCA
Healthy Kids Day
Join our Kent Parks team at the Kent YMCA for the annual Healthy Kids Day® event tomorrow! This free event is open to the public, where it provides many family-friendly activities to foster healthy kids and families and a healthy kickoff to the upcoming summer season.
There will be plenty of activities that promote health and wellness among children and their families.
The YMCA is passionate about providing families with the resources to develop and maintain healthy habits and stay active all year.
?? Saturday, April 20
?? 10 a.m.
?? Kent YMCA
Come spend a fun May Day evening to support *Seeds of Hope! [ https://www.seeyalater.org/seeds-of-hope?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* Ticket holders can enjoy the Duke’s Seafood Happy Hour menu on the patio and in the bar.
The $20 ticket includes personalizing a small bouquet at Buds & Blooms, an exclusive goodie bag, plus a drink at Duke's Seafood.
*Tickets are available now, and you can purchase them at the event while supplies last. [ https://www.seeyalater.org/article?articleTitle=carnations-cocktails--1641423296--128--wa-events&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*100% of the ticket sales will be donated directly to Seeds of Hope!
May Day Seeds of Hope
Calling all artists! We're currently seeking 8 artists to design vinyl wraps for the 2024 Traffic Signal Control Box Art Wrap project.
These new boxes will be added around the city.
Deadline to apply is Friday, April 26! *Apply online today.* [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13375&fbclid=IwAR3VLonXsbje1tS8V6xPW9xJZEbq39UqALjOAEKcv9EBqhZIx4MYF7iMEiU_aem_AQOAdmG3NL4XnbIc8NaWceakY6bh8AbS-1Jqka2a0HxiSjgG5feXCcUrh4Kpf77FB-aTTel1q_seuwoAPZEfV19_&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Reminder: Kent Commons Remodel
As a reminder, the Kent Commons Community Center is getting a refresh!
The project has kicked off and will be wrapping up later this year. Throughout the duration of the project, the building will be open and operating normal hours, but several amenities will be closed during the entirety of construction.
These amenities include racquetball courts, weight room, locker room, main restrooms, and the main entrance/front counter. All building visitors will be asked to enter through the temporary entrance and check in at the temporarily relocated front counter.
Signage and building detours will be in place for all program participants, rental groups, and visitors. Stay tuned for updates throughout the project!
Questions? Please call the Kent Commons at 253-856-5100.
Team Up 2 Clean Up
team up to clean up 3
Each spring and fall, the City of Kent hosts TeamUp2CleanUp: a little cleanup event where community members work to beautify Kent as individuals or in teams at various locations around the city.
We provide garbage bags and disposal, safety vests and little grabbers. Gloves are recommended and closed shoes are required.
??Saturday, May 4
??9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Meet our teams at one of the following locations:
??East Hill: Kent United Methodist Church (11010 SE 248th St)
??Downtown: Kherson Park (307 West Gowe)
??West Hill: West Hill Plaza (24700 Military Road)
This mobile hazardous waste collection service will be cruising throughout King County most weekends until October, making it easy and safe for you to drop off household hazardous waste for free.
*You can see the full schedule on their website. [ https://kingcountyhazwastewa.gov/en/news-articles/2024-wastemobile-schedule-and-announcement?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Hops and Cops
hops and cops
Meet Chief Padilla and our officers on April 30 at JP's Taproom and Grill for another Hops and Cops event!
This is a great evening opportunity to ask questions, meet the Kent Police Department staff that handles your concerns, and connect with your local law enforcement that serves our community.
?? April 30
⌚ 6 p.m.- 8 p.m.
?? JP's Taproom and Grill (13038 SE Kent-Kangley Rd)
Business Crime Prevention Summit
police summit
The Kent Police Neighborhood Response Team will be holding another Business Crime Prevention Summit at the Accesso ShoWare Center.
It's your chance to hear from Kent officers and the Community Education Unit on general safety and crime prevention tips impacting Kent businesses.
There will be a question-and-answer session so you leave with all of the safety and prevention information you can use to prevent crime.
Must be a Kent business owner, manager, or employee.
?? Thursday, April 25
⌚ 9 a.m. - Noon
?? Kent City Hall Chambers
*RSVP required to **swood@kentwa.gov*
Join the Kent Police Department for a community meeting and hear the latest news and updates from Chief Padilla and his Command Staff.
?? Thursday, May 9
?? 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
?? Highline Community College Student Union Building - Mt. Constance/Olympia Room
community meeting
Drug Take Back Day
drug take back
The Kent Police Department is partnering with the DEA to collect any unused/expired medications. Medicines that sit in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse.
?? Saturday, April 27
⌚ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? Kent Police Department (220 4th Ave S.)
*Here's some information on how to drop off medications and what we can and cannot take. [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/police-department/community-education?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* *If you have questions, please email sjudd@kentwa.gov*
Transportation Safety Plan
target zero [ https://engage.kentwa.gov/kent-target-zero-action-plan?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
We are developing an action plan to improve transportation safety in Kent, working toward eliminating fatalities and serious injuries due to crashes.
*Please take this brief survey to share your experience on city streets and areas you feel may be unsafe.* [ https://engage.kentwa.gov/kent-target-zero-action-plan?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Registration for Youth Summer Boys Baseball and Girls Fastpitch Softball is open for kids in Grades 3-6.
Deadline to register is May 7!
*Sign up here! [ https://web2.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/wakentwt.wsc/search.html?category=YO&module=AR&type=Sport&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
kent parks coaches
We are looking for more volunteer coaches for our Youth Spring Soccer season.
If you’re interested in helping our participants learn the game, foster new friendships, encourage teamwork, and help support the growth of kids on and off the field, call the Kent Commons Community Center at 253-856-5100!
Spring & Summer Parks Guide
Registration Open
Registration for Spring/Summer programming through Kent Parks is open!
From preschool classes and free summer concerts to youth sports and programs for adults aged 50 and older, there is something for everyone in the family to enjoy.
*If you haven’t received a guide, browse a digital copy to check out upcoming events and all available programs. [ https://online.flipbuilder.com/ixcy/mstl/mobile/index.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
corn days run
*Registration is now open [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/events/kent-cornucopia-days-5k?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* for the Cornucopia Days 5k!
This year's event will take place on Saturday, July 13 at Three Friends Fishing Hole with the race kicking off at 9 a.m. The deadline to sign up and order a shirt is June 14.
Green Kent, our hands-on environmental conservation program, is back! Events will be held from April to November at a variety of locations across our Parks system. *Registration is open for all 2024 events. [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/volunteering/outdoor-conservation-events?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Volunteers work to help us keep our parks healthy and thriving, as well as learn valuable information about our natural areas and local environmental conservation efforts. These events provide a great opportunity for them to complete required community service hours!
Kent Green
jobs of the month
We're hiring! Check out our featured jobs and find great opportunities on our hiring page at *jobs.kentwa.gov [ https://jobs.kentwa.gov/jobs?page_number=2&page_size=10&sort_by=headline&sort_order=ASC&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Get your furry friends licensed with *Regional Animal Services of King County [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/regional-animal-services.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* to help get them back to you if they're ever lost!
Your license also helps fund RASKC's life-saving animal shelter work. They reunite lost pets 24/7 and provide shelter pet care 365 days a year.
The Kent Community Foundation has shared information on social media about an upcoming Emergency Preparedness Fair.
?? Tomorrow, April 20
⌚10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
??Kent Stake Center (12817 SE 256th St)
Ensuring that you and your loved ones are prepared for emergencies is crucial. You can learn more about preparedness at *KentWA.gov/Prepared [ https://www.kentwa.gov/guides/emergency-preparedness?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* and *Ready.gov [ https://www.ready.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*.
Join Tracy, Josh an Kyle as they update you on the important, fun, and interesting things happening in the City of Kent!
This week we hear from our Vegetation Management team Transportation Engineering Manager.
*Listen Now:*
?? Apple Podcasts *apple.co/3J2UMkd [ https://t.co/kiMUAwAMdU?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
?? Spotify *spoti.fi/3GNCeli [ https://t.co/MccBJhOIlp?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
?? Amazon Music *amzn.to/3jjaOvU [ https://amzn.to/3jjaOvU?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
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