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Join us for a Wilburton TOD information session

Illustration of Wilburton Neighborhood

Join us for a public information session to discuss proposed land use code changes for the Wilburton Vision Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) area. 

This virtual session is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21. [ ]

On July 23, the City Council adopted changes to the Comprehensive Plan’s Volume 2 Wilburton/N.E. 8th Street Subarea Plan with new Wilburton TOD area policies and map changes. To date, staff have released three draft versions of a Land Use Code Amendment aimed at implementing the Wilburton TOD policy and map changes, with the latest version published on October 30th. Throughout the draft code amendment process, the city has engaged with stakeholders both externally and internally to gather feedback and make revisions that balance the long-term community vision with the diverse community needs and priorities.

During the session, city staff will share key themes heard through public engagement, major policy considerations, future land use and zoning, and the layout of blocks, open space, and streets within the area to link to Eastrail and Grand Connection. 

We encourage all community members to attend and participate in this important discussion. Additional information on the code amendments can be found on the Wilburton Vision webpage [ ].



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  • Posted : 2024/11/08
  • Published : 2024/11/08
  • Changed : 2024/11/08
  • Total View : 51 persons
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