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News from the City of Kenmore
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*March 5, 2024
City of Kenmore Communications
The City of Kenmore launches Solarize Kenmore, a program to empower residents with clean, renewable energy
*KENMORE, Wash.* – The City of Kenmore is excited to announce the launch of Solarize Kenmore [ http://solarizekenmore.org ], a new solar energy program available now through July 4, 2024. This program will support Kenmore residents to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. You can reserve your free solar assessment on the program webpage solarizekenmore.org [ http://solarizekenmore.org ].
Installing solar on homes can seem like a daunting process: from perceived costs, to technical details, to figuring out which installers to choose. That's why the City of Kenmore is hosting Solarize Kenmore, a solar group purchasing program in partnership with Olympia Community Solar [ http://olysol.org ]. Olympia Community Solar’s previous Solarize programs have resulted in over 250 solar installations around the Puget Sound.
In preparation to launch the campaign, city staff participated in a competitive bidding process to secure solar installers. Contractors were vetted for equipment quality and business practices, and resulted in special pricing being negotiated with "Northwest Electric & Solar, Puget Sound Solar, "and" Sunpath Electric". By purchasing solar in bulk and partnering with trusted installers, the City is making the process of going solar simple, secure, and accessible.
To be part of Solarize Kenmore, Kenmore residents can sign up for a free solar site assessment at solarizekenmore.org [ http://solarizekenmore.org ]. A solarize installer will provide a site assessment of your home or business and provide a detailed solar proposal at the campaign’s discounted group rate. If residents choose to contract, the solar installer will schedule a date for solar installation.
Solar customers benefit from reduced energy bills due to their solar production and net metering. Net metering is an agreement between a customer and the utility that allows them to earn utility bill credits for any extra energy that flows back into the electrical grid. Customers can offset their entire electrical bill with solar, except for their fixed monthly customer charge.
The City of Kenmore and Olympia Community Solar will host an informational solarize workshop for anyone who would like to learn more. The contracted installers will also be in attendance to answer questions.
*Solarize Kenmore Workshop
Thursday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m.
Kenmore City Hall*
Inquiries about Solarize Kenmore may be sent to CAP@kenmorewa.gov or info@olysol.org or (360) 481-4020.
"*About Olympia Community Solar:
*"Guided by a mission to make clean energy more accessible, Olympia Community Solar [ http://olysol.org ] is an Olympia based nonprofit organization. They’ve received national recognition for their work to promote solar energy equity, and have helped hundreds of homeowners navigate installing solar.
solarize kenmore
Photos of residential solar installations provided by Olympia Community Solar
*See more City of Kenmore news:* www.kenmorewa.gov/news [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/city-news ]
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