And...scene! Seattle Channel calls a wrap on 2024
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/27
- 发布日 : 2024/12/27
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/27
- 总浏览次数 : 14 人
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Seattle Channel’s small but mighty staff filmed and edited nearly 600 videos in 2024. From the core work of connecting the public with the city council [ ], mayor [ ], and city departments to producing original programming like Art Zone [ ], Book Lust [ ], CityStream [ ], City Inside/Out [ ], Council Edition [ ], Community Stories [ ], and more, the team remained focused on telling Seattle’s story through award-winning storytelling. The station’s staff share their favorite stories of the year. Take a look, lean in, and enjoy!
The Power of a Teacher [ ]
Ron Chew's and his Franklin High teacher Alice Allen [ ]
Longtime Seattle Channel videographer Randy Eng brought us a heartfelt story about the profound impact of a Franklin High School teacher [ ] on a student who later became a prominent Seattle author, journalist, and community leader.
“Mrs. Alice Allen saw something special in Ron Chew. She encouraged him to find his voice, to write expressively. And because of her belief in him, Ron went on to become a successful journalist and author,” said Eng. “Ron always knew his journey began with Mrs. Allen. What’s remarkable is, Mrs. Allen didn’t know—she couldn’t know—the lasting impact she’d have. Teachers rarely do. They just hope to make a difference for one. And for Mrs. Allen, that one was Ron.”
The story also proved nostalgic for Eng in another way. “I have a soft spot for this one,” he said. “My mom was a teacher, and I remember the pride I felt when people came up to her as adults to tell her how much she’d meant to them. That was cool. I remember my mom being so proud whenever that would happen.”
The Mechanics Keeping Seattle Moving [ ]
The city’s fleet mechanics keep Seattle on the move [ ]
Station manager Shannon Gee has been creating award-winning documentaries for decades, and has been with the station since 2005! A video that resonated with Gee is a profile on the public servants who help keep the city running.
“One of my favorite programs from 2024 is a CityStream feature that showcased the work of the City of Seattle’s Fleet mechanics [ ],” Gee said. “We got a behind the scenes look at how these often-unsung city employees keep everything from fire trucks to back country plows working in service of our residents.”
Introducing Council’s 6 Fresh Faces [ ]
Seattle University Conversations with new councilmembers [ ]
Ed Escalona, the station’s production manager for 13 years, plays a key role behind the scenes in filming programs like City Inside/Out and Council Edition. Earlier in the year, he put his touch on a Seattle University Conversations’ episode featuring six new city councilmembers [ ]—the largest influx of new members in over a century.
“2024 welcomed six new members to the Seattle City Council, and all of them appeared on Seattle University Conversations. Barely a month into their term, the councilmembers were asked tough questions on homelessness, public safety, and the looming $240 million dollar budget deficit,” said Escalona. “I was proud we had an opportunity to introduce the councilmembers to the community and learn about their priorities for the City of Seattle.”
Music Community Saves Historic Ballard Pub [ ]
Art Zone's Nancy Guppy outside of Conor Byrne [ ]
Seattle’s recent population boom has put increasing pressure on longtime cultural hubs, including Ballard’s Conor Byrne Pub, which first opened its doors in 1904. The beloved neighborhood bar and music venue announced their imminent closure at the end of March. But within days, there was an outpouring of support [ ] from bands and community members alike.
Videographer and director Vincent Pierce was struck by how the power of community can galvanize efforts into meaningful action and outcomes, saying, “Tons of teamwork and talent came together quickly to help support and, ultimately, save an important Seattle space.”
Humpbacks Make Splashing Return to Salish Sea [ ]
Humpback whales make a comeback [ ]
Our multimedia producer and graphic design prodigy, Jennifer Nerad—who has been with the channel since 2015—has a deep love for nature. And in a place like Seattle, who can blame her? This year, her favorite video brought back a touch of childhood nostalgia.
“This CityStream piece about humpback whales and their remarkable conservation success story [ ] was one of my favorites of the year. I have been fascinated by whales since they were my mammal of choice for a 6th-grade report. But at that time, I never imagined we’d see humpbacks in Elliott Bay,” Nerad said.
“The segment explains why we humans often feel a kinship with these graceful giants with their playful splashes and haunting songs, so I know I’m not alone in my fondness for these incredible creatures. I hope we’ll see continued success with cross-border conservation collaborations, including humpbacks and other marine life, and that they will continue to thrive in our shared waters.”
Seattleites’ Stealthy—and Feathered—Neighbors [ ]
Cooper's Hawk [ ]
Videographer Pete Cassam is our de facto National Geographic videographer with a passion for filming Seattle’s natural world, including a look at local kelp restoration, shellfish conservation, and the humpback whale story featured above. His favorite video of the year is a feathered friend he thinks you should know more about—the Cooper’s hawk!
“We tagged along with the folks from Urban Raptor Conservancy to follow several Seattle-area breeding pairs of Cooper’s hawks through their nesting season (Spring into Summer),” said Cassam, who used a drone and special telephoto lens to film the story.
“These accipiter hawks are similar in size to the American Crow and are relatively common around Seattle but seldom seen because they are so secretive and stealthy. The Seattle-area population of Cooper’s hawks is thriving [ ] due to abundant nesting sites in Seattle parks and neighborhoods.”
The Local Who Wrote “Dune” [ ]
[ ]
Multimedia producer Tyler Sipe continues Seattle Channel’s focus on environmental themes with his choice of a social media feature on local author Frank Herbert. In collaboration with multimedia producer Addy Pratt, the duo created a social media video highlighting Herbert’s deep ties to the Pacific Northwest [ ] and how the region influenced the environmental themes in his “Dune” series.
“I love showcasing our area’s local history, and earlier in the year, my colleague Addy Pratt and I elevated the local connections to complicated “Dune” author Frank Herbert,” said Sipe, who’s been with the Seattle Channel since 2017.
“Research on local history helps me better understand the place I love calling home, and sharing this new knowledge with the public is always one of the highlights of working at the Seattle Channel. It’s always an added bonus when I get to collaborate with my talented colleagues!”
The Herculean Task of Running the Seattle/King County Clinic [ ]
Seattle-King County regional clinic [ ]
Senior Producer Norm Ohashi, the maestro behind Seattle Channel programs like the magazine show CityStream, the public affairs program Seattle University Conversations, and the invaluable election resource Video Voters’ Guide, is highlighting an annual event that positively impacts the lives of thousands each year.
“In February, we aired a CityStream that focused entirely on the Seattle/King County Clinic, a massive effort that doles out medical, dental, and vision care to anyone in need [ ]. And all services are FREE. Each year, thousands of people take advantage of this clinic. Some seek help despite having health insurance,” said Ohashi, who has more than three decades of television experience, including more than 25 years at local NBC affiliate KING 5.
“Many say, ‘Yes, I have insurance, but it’s not good enough, or I can’t afford the deductibles.’ So, this clinic provides valuable services, including dental fillings and extractions, eye exams, prescription glasses, also mammograms, x-rays, and immunizations. This was a herculean effort by photographer Randy Eng, who created nine separate stories for this important program.”
Wheels on This Bus Help Rainier Valley Go Round & Round [ ]
The No. 7 bus painted as a mural [ ]
Susan Han has been a crackerjack senior producer at the Seattle Channel for almost two decades. She’s had a significant role in the City Inside/Out public affairs program. Earlier this year, she stepped out of her wheelhouse to produce and contribute an inspiring feature on Metro’s No. 7 bus for Art Zone.
“This story captures a piece of Seattle history through a wonderful community mural featuring Seattle’s workhorse, the No. 7 bus [ ],” Han said. “I learned about the project after running into the artist, Tina Albro, at a party and was thrilled to collaborate on the story with station shooter/editor extraordinaire, Randy Eng!”
Deepfakes Infiltrate Local Elections [ ]
City Inside/Out with Brian Callanan [ ]
The face behind the highly respected public affairs program City Inside/Out (CIO) is Brian Callanan. This year, as host of CIO and Council Edition, Callanan dove deep into local election issues, from city races to statewide initiatives. But an episode on the rise of artificial intelligence—its impact on voters and its role in spreading distrust [ ] about candidates and election integrity—stood out for him.
“It’s easy to get pulled into all kinds of conspiracy theories around elections, especially in the brave new AI-world we’re living in,” said Callanan, who’s hosted conversations and debates on CIO since 2011. “That’s why I so appreciated talking with some people really focused on election integrity—Washington’s Secretary of State, Steve Hobbs, and Kate Starbird, the Director and Co-Founder of UW’s Center for an Informed Public. This is a complex and constantly changing issue, but knowledge is power. Shows like this are what Seattle Channel is all about.”
Remembrance Brings Healing to Indigenous Community [ ]
Journey of Remembrance [ ]
Videographer Ian Devier leads Community Stories, the station’s community-focused documentary program. His 2014 documentary “Honor Totem” told the story of John T. Williams, a First Nations woodcarver fatally shot by Seattle Police in 2010. The documentary deepened Devier’s connection with Seattle’s Indigenous Peoples community, which he has highlighted over the years, including a poignant memorial organized by the Chief Seattle Club [ ], filmed in May.
“This event is important for the Chief Seattle Club and the urban Native community. It is one of the most visible public events for a group that is often overlooked.” Devier said, who’s worked for the Seattle Channel for almost 15 years.
“During the procession, Native community members who have passed are honored through dancing, drumming and singing. It is a beautiful and solemn experience that brings awareness to some of the harsh realities that Native individuals and families face.”
And, that's a wrap! Happy New Year, Seattle Channel viewers. Thank you for watching, and we’ll see you in 2025!
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